Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

Posted September 8, 2015 by Shannon in Blog Tour, Giveaways, Reviews, Shannon / 7 Comments

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway:  Shadows Strike by Dianne DuvallShadows Strike by Dianne Duvall
Series: Immortal Guardians,
Published by Zebra Publication Date: August 25th 2015
Pages: 320
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The Immortal Guardians protect the innocent in secret. Sometimes the secret gets out...U.S. law enforcement agent Heather Lane can read minds. But not the future. The dream of battle and blood that recurs every night must be a fluke, some obscure terror from her own mind. What its significance might be, she can’t guess: an attack from seven psychotic vampires at once, only separated from nightmare by an eighth very different immortal. A handsome, brave man fighting at her side, a man she misses when she wakes.Then the dream comes true. Heather is flung into a war between predators and protectors of humanity, the man from her dreams beside her again. Except now that she’s awake, she isn’t sure she can trust Ethan, or the shadow organization he represents. The U.S. military doesn’t trust either of them. But against an onslaught of evil like the one that’s coming, it will take everything they have just to survive...

It’s been some time since I’ve read an Immortal Guardians book, but I have to say it was very easy to step back into the IG world and fun to see what had transpired since I last picked up a book.

In this installment, the focus is on guardian Ethan as he finds himself enamored with a gifted mortal woman as certain members of the “Others” continue their bid to cause Armageddon, using this woman to infiltrate the Immortal Guardians.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Ethan and Heather.  I loved how they met, when she saved him during a fight with some vampires.  I loved how understanding he was, when Heather explained her gift and why she was so comfortable with him.  And I loved how he kept his distance, despite not wanting to, because he didn’t want to bring her into his world.  He could go alpha male when he needed to,  but at his core, Ethan was a squishy centered male who wanted nothing more than a woman to love him for exactly who he was.  And Heather never wavered in her belief that Ethan was a good man, despite some of the horrific things she saw and fully understanding just what Ethan did.  They were the perfect mix together, making me desperate to see them get their HEA.

As with the other books in this series, the romance isn’t the only thing happening in the book.  The continued storyline with the Immortal Guardians trying their hardest to ensure mankind’s survival had me at the edge of my seat.  I love the suspenseful mix with Seth, the other guardians and the human military as they combined to determine what was attacking military instillations.  For this particular story, the military tied in perfectly with Heather, since her father happened to be a high ranking general who needed to figure out what was happening to his men.  The entire storyline had me on edge, as I wondered if Heather, her father or anyone one of the guardians were going to get hurt as they tried to determine what was happening.

This was a perfect weekend read and jump-started my need to get back into more paranormal romances.  Dianne Duvall always manages to have the perfect mix of paranormal and romance in her books, with SHADOW STRIKE continuing that tradition.  If you haven’t read the other books in this series, I do recommend jumping into it.



Previous Books in the Series:


Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne’s books “utterly addictive” (RT Book Reviews), “fast-paced and humorous” (Publishers Weekly), “extraordinary” (Long and Short Reviews), and “wonderfully imaginative” (The Romance Reviews).

Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn’t writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books.

For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit You can also find Dianne online . . .

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GiveawayTour-Wide Giveaway:

One winner – $50 Amazon Gift Card*

One winner – $20 Amazon Gift Card*

One winner – Signed book (winner’s choice) from author’s back list



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I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.

7 responses to “Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

  1. Carol L

    Great cover. Thanks for the review. I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L

    • Carol L

      Don’t know how my daughter’s email poped up but it should be Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com.