Release Blitz & Giveaway: True Colours – Mandy Lee

Posted March 22, 2016 by Cocktails and Books in Between the Sheets, Blog Tour, Giveaways / 0 Comments

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Title: True Colours (You Don’t Know Me, #2)

Author: Mandy Lee

Genre: Erotic Romance

Release Date: March 22, 2016



Reeling from the shock of discovering Dan’s true identity, Maya struggles to make the right decision. But she’s incapable of resisting the man she loves, and soon finds herself drawn back into his world – a world of intensely sexual passion.
While his love and support help her to confront her fears and blossom as an artist, what she needs more than anything is the ability to trust. Determined to discover the truth and build a future with Dan, she makes it her mission to find out what transformed him into the man he is now.
However, the shadows of the past won’t leave them alone. And when those shadows converge, the consequences are far more dangerous than anyone could have predicted.

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In a frenzy, I grab hold of the door handle, tugging at it for dear life. Suddenly, a hand appears to either side of me, palms flat against the wood. I feel the warmth of his body against my back. And while my brain fires up in anger, just about everything from the neck down fizzles with lust: muscles, veins, sinews, nerves. Shit, shit, shit. I’m in trouble.

‘Let me out!’

‘I can’t.’

‘I want to get out.’

‘No you don’t.’

And that does it. Hasn’t he learned anything over the past few days?

‘Stop!’ I swing round to find myself caged in by his arms. ‘Just stop telling me what I want.’

‘Why?’ His eyes bore into me. ‘I’ve been right so far.’

‘Arrogant fucking arse.’

This seems just about the perfect time to give him a good hammering. Balling my fists, I hit him hard on the chest, over and over again, growling like a mad dog. Keeping his hands in place and bracing himself, he simply takes it. No gritting of teeth. No wincing in pain. I barely make an impact. I don’t seem to be making much progress here so I move on to his face, slapping it once before he grabs both of my hands, pinning them above my head. With his face close to mine, breathing unevenly, he fixes his attention on my lips.

‘Don’t you dare …’

Before I manage to push out the final words or turn away, his mouth is on mine. And now that he’s kissing me, I should resist. But I don’t. In fact, I can’t. His lips are as smooth and warm as ever, and I cave in straight away. Kissing him back with a passion, I let his tongue twist and turn against mine, lapping up the taste of him, listening to my brain as it nags me to get a ruddy grip. Enjoying the absolute perfection of a Daniel Foster kiss, I waft it away. As ever, physical contact reduces me to a wanton hussy. A hand slides around my back, pulling me in tight as he practically devours me. At last, when he’s finally had his fill, he pulls back, waiting for me to open my eyes before he speaks.

‘Feel that, Maya? That’s attraction. The strongest fucking attraction I’ve ever felt in my life. And you feel it too.’ Releasing my hands, he runs a finger across my neck. ‘That’s why you’ll be wearing the necklace again before you step out of this door. You and me are made for each other.’


About The Author


Mandy was born and raised in Leicester, in the United Kingdom. She went to university in Scotland, lived in London for a few years, and then returned to her home town where she now lives with her extended family and a mad labrador.

Mandy worked full-time as a teacher until Christmas 2015 when she took a leap of faith and gave up the job. She now devotes most of her time to writing.

She’s been writing since she was thirteen, but it wasn’t until she developed an obsession with reading erotic romance that she finally found her genre.

You Don’t Know Me is her first erotic romance. The sequel, True Colours, will be published on 22 March 2016. The final instalment in the trilogy will be finished by Christmas 2016.

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