Publisher: HarperCollins
Reviewed by: Shannschoice | Aug 08, 2011 | 9780062105226
Kate Silver has carved out the life she’s always wanted. As a celebrity stylist, she gets to dress the hottest stars while being able to creatively put together fabrics and designs. The only problem is she hates dealing with bratty stars who won’t listen to her, staying up til all hours of the night getting clothing ready and coming home to an empty apartment. But no matter how much she may dislike certain aspects of her life, she fights to keep moving forward. The stinging words her mother had yelled right before she left for design school still rung in her ears as a reminder of what everyone thought of her and the point she had to prove.
So it was a shock to get the phone call from her father telling her that her mother had died. It was even more of a shock to fly back home to Deer Lick, Montana and be reminded of all the things left undone and unsaid. It was even more nerve wracking when she ran into her ex-boyfriend to find her hated her more than anyone else in town.
Matt Ryan was the son of the village drunk who managed to get himself on the right track. He was convinced, ten years ago, that having Katie Silverthorne at his side would make his life complete. Trouble was, she hot footed it out of town never to be heard from again. Now that she was back, even for something as temporary as her mother’s funeral, was seriously messing with all his plans.
Determined to be the next Sheriff of Deer Lick, Matt sets off on his plan. He needs a respectable woman to be his wife, because with that woman he would be able to ensure the votes he needs. The only problem is, none of those women spark any interest from him the way Kate does.
Both main characters were wonderful individuals who went out of their way to help those around them, but very flawed when knowing what to do with the feelings they had in their hearts. It was fun watching the two of them circle each other like dogs before they both decided to give in to what they were feeling.
Kate’s brother and sister were great secondary characters, for the short time they were there. You can tell their stories were being set up (Dean’s story is next in November) and I have a sneaky suspicious who Deputy James Hardy (Matt’s friend and co-worker) is going to end up with!
Fun, enjoyable read that will you have smiling til the very end.
Original review was posted on Night Owl Review and can be viewed by clicking the link above.