Grey’s Lady by Natasha Blackthorne
Series: Carte Blanche #1
Release Date: August 8, 2011
Publisher: Total E-Bound
Page Count / File Size: 177kb
Source: Amazon, via my own wallet
Buy the book at: Amazon
Seeking sexual excitement and conquest, poor but beautiful Beth seduces wealthy merchant prince Grey Sexton, only to find herself the pursued as he seeks to own her body and soul.
Flouting the moral standards of Jeffersonian America, temptress Beth McConnell lets no man touch her heart. Her motto is love them once and leave them burning.
But when she boldly seduces Grey Sexton, a self-controlled merchant prince from New York, she finds herself too fascinated by his ice-over-fire nature to stay away. His possessive determination to own her, body and soul, threatens to expose her secret erotic life to public shame.
But Beth will only surrender her love to a man she can trust. And Grey’s materialistic approach to relationships leaves her little reason to believe he can ever give her what she truly needs.
For these two cynical yet lonely people, can deep sexual intimacy work a miracle and lead to the opening of their hearts?
I picked up this book after reading a first chapter post around christmas time. That first chapter was hot, but the rest of the book was even hotter!!! Phew…I still fan myself thinking about it.
I loved Beth and Grey together. She the impulsive girl with the big heart who’s trying to find a place where she fits in the world, while he is the older, wealthy shipping magnet from New York who is cold and calculating in order to get what he wants. When they two of them get together, they seem to combust of the page.
What neither of them see is how perfect they are for each other. When you get past Grey’s need to possess Beth, you see that he’s been completely thrown for a loop by this girl and his need for possession is really his love for her. Beth’s running is out of fear that she’s unloveable and that Grey will leave her, just as everyone else has.
For all that happens in this story, it is a quick one. But it’s hot as hell with two characters that come to life on the page.