Blog Tour Review: Still Into You – Roni Loren

Posted June 5, 2012 by Shannon in Blog Tour, Reviews / 5 Comments

Still Into You by Roni Loren
Series:  Loving on the Edge #1.5
Release Date:  June 5, 2012
Publisher:  Berkley Heat
Source: Goddess Fish Promotions
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Three days. No rings…
Seth and Leila used to have trouble keeping their hands off each other. Passion, desire, love—it was all there. Yet, eight years after their whirlwind marriage and kids, they’ve settled into a life where choosing Letterman over Leno is considered a wild night.
Seth knows things need to change. But when he hears his wife call into a relationship radio show and admit she’s been tempted to cheat, he realizes how far off course they’ve gotten. He comes up with a dramatic plan. Three days. No rings. He’ll take Leila to The Ranch, a resort where any sexual fantasy can be had, and give her the freedom to have whatever or whomever she wants.
However, Seth doesn’t intend to simply stand by and watch other men fulfill Leila’s dark desires. He has a lot more bad boy in him than his wife suspects and he knows there’s only one man who can give her what she needs. Now he has to show her why that man is him.

Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Seth knew they were in a rut, but he also knew he loved his wife more than life itself.  He was willing to try and spice things up by visiting his brother-in-laws sex shop, Wicked, and maybe get a little advice.  What he got instead was an earful of a tearful and remorseful Leila calling into a radio talk show and divulging that she had almost slept with another man that night.  Devastated, but determined to do what it takes to save what he and Leila have, Seth asks Leila to give him three days, where he’s in charge, where their marriage vows don’t mean a thing and Leila can decide exactly what she wants.

I have to appreciate a man who is willing to go to any lengths to save his marriage.  Seth knew he still loved his wife with every beat of his heart and despite his long hours at work, he needed her and longed for her.  And while he intended the weekend to give Leila a chance to “sow her wild oats”, it actually gave him a little clarity in what he had pushed aside in order to prove a point to Leila’s wealthy father about his worthiness to Leila.

Leila never married Seth for his money.  She may have married him because she was pregnant, but she was in love with the boy in a band who was full of passion.  She missed the passion and she just plan missed him while he slaved away til the wee hours of the morning and every holiday at a job that was just stringing him along.  And while what she and Seth did at The Ranch was hot and fun at the moment, she knew that if Seth could somehow hold onto the passion the had that weekend, things between them would be fine…no matter what.

I loved the story.  Seth and Leila’s marriage was perfectly written and their struggles with juggling family, responsibilities and still keeping the “spark” in a marriage alive was dead on.  Roni Loren is quickly becoming a must buy for me.  Can’t wait for Melt Into You.

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I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.

5 responses to “Blog Tour Review: Still Into You – Roni Loren

  1. Thank you for a great review. 4 cocktails works for me. (Not really. I’d be under the table.)


  2. Thanks for the review. I keep seeing good things about Still Into You. I will most definitely be reading this one.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com