She’s always been off-limits…
Former Army Special Forces Sgt. Marco Vieri has never thought of Alyssa Scott as more than his best friend’s little sister, but her return home changes that…and challenges him to keep his war-borne demons at bay. Marco’s not the same person he was back when he protected Alyssa from her abusive father, and he’s not about to let her see the mess he’s become.
…but now she’s all grown up.
When Alyssa takes a job at the bar where Marco works, her carefree smiles wreak havoc on his resolve to bury his feelings. How can he protect her when he can’t stop thinking about her in his bed? But Alyssa’s not looking for protection—not anymore. Now that she’s back in his life, she’s determined to heal her forbidden hero, one touch at a time…
Release Date: May 14, 2012
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
If you are looking for a good heartfelt read this book is it. Once I started it I didn’t stop til I finished it. It shows love with all it’s ups, downs and everything in between. Real emotions.
When the story starts out Alyssa Scott is broke and has just finished her degree. She is looking to get a job at a bar where her brothers best friend (also the man she been in love with forever) works. Marco Vieri.
Marco was in the Special Forces until an accident has him medically discharged. He no longer feels like himself, he doesn’t smile, play the guitar, joke, laugh or likes being around people much. He sometimes suffers from nightmares, severe headaches and has problems remembering or pronouncing words. He blames his self for the accident that killed his friends and wounded him.
Alyssa is his best friend’s little sister and now she is all grown up. While in college Alyssa came out of her shell. She is no longer the shy, sweet little girl that needs protection from an abusive father. She fell in love with Marco when she was young and never quit loving him. Now she is out to prove to him that she is all woman.
Marco tries to be Alyssa’s protector as well as her friend until the other guys at work start hitting on her. He runs hot and cold with his feelings thinking he is to much of a broken man to give her what she needs. He says and does hurtful things making Alyssa cry. ( Let me tell you my feelings were hurting right along with hers.) Things start to change when Marco finds Alyssa sleeping in the back room at work. He reads her the riot act then in the next breath asks her to move in with him. Things finally start progressing. Marco is still having nightmares, but Alyssa helps him thru them by comforting him, without his knowing it, he finally starts sleeping thru the night. He starts smiling,laughing,hanging out with people and playing music again.
Marco thinks he is hiding his past from Alyssa and that she doesn’t need to know everything that is happening with him and that their relationship can work that way. One night while he was having a nightmare, Alyssa went in to comfort him and fell asleep, when he found out what she had been doing he was ticked. He said some real hurtful things. She leaves him. Everything started going down hill from there.
One night at work Alyssa got attacked. Marco went crazy finally realizing that he was in love with her and had not protected her like he was supposed to do. Marco got her to go back home with him, where he showed her how much he started to care, when her big brother shows up thinking the worst of his best friend and starts a fight. Alyssa overhears and misunderstand a part of a conversation and leaves Marco again. Marco explains everything to her brother and now has to try to make it up to Alyssa before she leaves town for good. He ends up playing again and singing to her on her last of night work in front of everyone and asking her to marry him.
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