The year is 1840. On the run after being caught in a scandalous incident, scullery maid Sarah Bailey must find refuge before her vengeful former mistress has her killed. When she stumbles upon a blacksmith’s shop in need of an apprentice in West Boylston, Massachusetts, she applies for the position.
Viktor is a brawny, reclusive blacksmith who creates strange clockwork and steam-powered devices. The gruff man makes it clear that Sarah’s plight is no concern of his, but ghosts from his past dictate otherwise. Viktor agrees to protect the spunky maid, but only until her trail of henchmen runs cold.
Sarah quickly discovers that the fire of this blacksmith’s forge runs volcanic hot. Unable to resist one another, she and Viktor begin a lust-filled affair. But how long will their idyllic arrangement last before Sarah’s former mistress destroys it?
Series: The Clockpunk Trilogy #2
Release Date: July 1, 2012
Publisher: Red Sage Press
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Sarah, a young woman who has worked for a cruel and crazy couple for five years always trying to keep herself out of their notice.
Viktor a blacksmith who works all the time and mostly keeps to himself.
The Blacksmith’s Lover is a very intense short story. Packed with Passion, steamy sex and lots of action.
Viktor starts teaching Sarah about blacksmith work and a bit about his true passion mechanics that are way ahead for their time.
The interactions between Sarah and Viktor is full of passion. For awhile they both dance around each other, pushing away the feeling they for each other. Slowly coming to terms with how the feel for each other. Once the stopped avoiding it, their relationship became full of sex and trying to become as close as possible.
I really enjoyed The Blacksmith’s lover it was fast paced and there was never a dull moment. I loved how Viktor took Sarah in when she was running away from her previous employers, always trying to keep her hidden from the men that were hunting her down. I liked how quickly Viktor became protective of Sarah, not giving away any hint that she was there. And having her stay in the house or the shop. I also enjoyed the ease of their relationship once they let their walls down.
I give The Blacksmith’s Lover five Cocktails.
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