For the five sexy rock gods of Sole Regret, finding love is easy, keeping it is hard.
Melanie has no desire to meet the members of the rock band, Sole Regret, but her groupie of a best friend gets them both backstage and then rushes off with the band’s lead singer. Left alone at an after party with a bunch of scary tattooed and pierced metal-heads, sheltered Melanie is relieved when the only normal-looking guy in the room insists on keeping her company.
By the time Melanie discovers that Gabe is the band’s drummer and not as normal as she assumed, she has already made a complete fool of herself. She can’t help but be interested in him, not as a rock star, but as the sexiest man she’s ever encountered. Strangely attracted to his hidden tattoos and body piercing, she wonders what it would be like to spend a night with a bad boy.
Gabe is more than willing to show sweet Melanie there’s more to him than meets the eye. All she has to do is try him. Will they only share a single night of passion? Or will their hearts entangle as quickly as their bodies?
Series: One Night With Sole Regret #1
Release Date: June 26, 2012
Publisher: Olivia Cunning
Source: Amazon, via my own wallet
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
If you are patiently waiting for the next Sinner’s book, this little novella ought to tide you over. **Fans self**
Melanie has a tiny fear of tattoos. Maybe not so much the tattoos, but the perception that big, hulking, scary dudes get tattoos (this fear was caused after she was accosted by a group of tattoo bike riders in her early teens). So needless to say, being in close quarters with a bunch of tattooed and pierced rock stars was a little unnerving for her. Enter Gabe. He appeared “normal” to her in his t-shirt and ball cap, but soon he’s breaking down every defense she has and proving to her the it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Gabe may be a God behind a drum kit, but he’s also man who tired of the groupies and longs for something more. When he spies Melanie across the room after their latest show he goes out of his way to talk to her. One look and he’s done for. But while he likes that she stood up to his bandmates and seems to only be interested in him, he wonders if she wants him for who he is, who people thinks he is or who she’s discovered he was before he became famous.
Gabe had a mountain of fear and misconception to climb over to get to Melanie, but one he did he discovered she was a woman he would not be able to let go. Good thing the feeling was totally mutually. During the course of the night they spent together, they learned just enough about the other to realize that the chemistry they had together was something much more than one night.
Gabe and Melanie are down and dirty. My kindle still hasn’t recovered from the heat, but it was an absolutely fabulous read. My only complaint is I wanted more of them. A few hundred pages more.
I can’t wait to start this!
HA! I had the exact same complaint, it wasn’t NEARLY long enough. Excellent story and my nook is still smokin’ too!
Here’s my review, I just read it too! “Try Me” Review @ The Brunette Librarian’s Blog