Stranded on a steamy tropical island, these three will create their own heat…
Christie Lovejoy is normally all business. But when a hurricane bears down on the exclusive resort she’s sharing with two sexy businessmen, it’s time to throw caution to the tropical winds. How often do you find two gorgeous men with the hots for you…and the willingness to share?
Wolf Martin and Jon Tucker have been friends for years, and their taste in women has never overlapped…until now. Wolf, Jon, and Christie use the luxurious resort to take the kind of sensual journey that only total isolation will allow. But when the storm recedes, will they be ready to leave their island paradise?
Series: A Cabin Fever Novella
Release Date: July 24, 2012
Publisher: Avon
Source: Edelweiss
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
When an unexpected tropical storm puts the end to Christie Lovejoy’s sales pitch, she can’t decide whether she’s more upset over the possible loss of the business contract or sexual possibilities. Throwing caution to the wind, she deceives her clients, both exceptionally handsome men, and deliberately strands them on the deserted island with her to wait out the storm. What ensues is every woman’s fantasy. Except for the temporary loss of power, what woman hasn’t at some point fantasized about being stranded on an island with a hot guy? Through her own actions, Christie’s got two. And I’m hard pressed to decide which one is hotter, Wolf or Jon.
While completely devoid of actual romantic storyline, Gaines delivers exactly what she sets out to do. She gives us a steamy novella filled with hot men, friendly rivalry and lots of sex. To top it off, instead of leaving one wanting, the open-ended ending lends to the imagination. Will these three strong-minded busy individuals make it work? Or will their private island interlude be just that? Just a memory of how they waited out a tropical storm on a deserted island. That’s for the reader to use their imagination and speculate.
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