Cursed to live amongst several stone gargoyle statues, Oscar watches a young couple, yearning to participate in their sexual activities. For he has been away from his own lovers for over a year, and longs to touch and be touched once again.
When he tumbles off the headboard onto the couple, he is released from the statue but must find a way home. His only thought: a ménage with the man and woman who freed him. But will they try something new to grant him his return passage, or leave him wandering Earth alone?
Series: The Edge Series
Release Date: July 20, 2012
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
In this short (about 25 pages), but hot, read we discover that the power of three is enough to break a curse and send one man back to his lovers in an alternate universe.
Oscar was cursed to Earth by a bitter, spurned woman after Oscar refused to take her as a lover. He’s spent the last year living amongst the gargoyles that Bo and Delayna have around their house. Oscar longs for his lovers, Lianna and Lewis, but he’s not sure how to break the curse. But after a bit of rough riding causes the gargoyle Oscar is in to fall, Bo and Delayna break the curse to release Oscar from him stone prison. It will take the three of them fulfilling a night of fantasies to send Oscar back home.
Oscar, Bo and Delayna were very hot together. Considering how vocal Bo was when the suggestion was made that a menage might send Oscar back, I didn’t think he would be as active of a participant as he was. But he let go of whatever reservations he had and jumped in with both feet pretty fast, especially when he saw how open his Delayna was to this night with him and Oscar.
I wished there was a bit more about Oscar and where he’s from, the story was more about what it took to get him home. The sex was hot, but I was left wanting a little bit more.