Once upon a time…he was the most handsome of princes. But now he’s a lonely legend, hobbled by dark history. With too many dead in his wake, Bluebeard escapes through the evil spell of alcohol. But it’s a far different kind of spell that’s been ruining his life for centuries. Jodi Walters is a fixer, someone who can put magic back in order. But Blue has a problem she’s never encountered. And worse, she finds herself perilously attracted to him.
Series: Fates #8
Release Date: September 1, 2012
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
I normally would not have chosen a book about fairy tale characters in the present day. I found the whole premise unbelievable. There were some corny lines and references, but this book wasn’t poorly written–just not my style.