Damon Sinclair is a simple Marine with simple needs and after five years of active duty in the sandbox, he’s ready to settle down and feed people’s souls. But when the rest of his Brothers sign up with the 1Night Stand dating service, the opening night of his new restaurant includes a date with Madame Evangeline’s hand picked choice.
Helena Blake has focused her entire life on her education and legal career. But, there must be more to life than legal briefs and the Styrofoam take-out palace decorating the interior of her refrigerator. And finally, a year after signing up for the 1Night Stand service, Eve has found her a date.
Wine is poured, incredible food is served, and sparks fly creating a total seduction of the senses as Damon prepares a birthday celebration that Helena will never forget.
Series: Always a Marine #4
Release Date: June 26, 2012
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Helena Blake is something of a genius, she graduated high school at 16 and had her undergrad by 19 and her law degree by 22. But being that focused on her education and then her career has left her sadly lacking in the education of the dating world. That’s why she has contacted Madame Eve to get a match for her one night stand.
Damon Sinclair served his country in the Middle East, The sandbox, and has now come home to do something he loves. It is opening night for his restaurant and his brothers in arms have signed him up with Madame Eve so the excitement also includes a date for his one night stand. Having learned to cook from his mother he loves nothing more than feeding people and believes that good food is also good for the soul.
Damon and Helena hit it off well with a intriguing discussion about what a persons choice in wine tells you about them. The whole meal is an exorcise in flirting and sexual tension. There are humorous moments and touching moments and a whole lot of steamy moments. Madame Eve has once again proven she is the best at what she does.
Heather Long has several one night stand books out all with a military theme and tied together loosely but not intertwined. She does a fantastic job with character development and provides you enough of a back story that you find it easy to get lost in the lives of her characters. The books are also sexy sexy sexy and the tension starts out quick and builds to a climax through the whole story.
I give “”Proud to Serve Her”” 4 cocktails.
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