All she needed to pack was a few bikinis, a toothbrush and some sunscreen. This is what Ben told Erin when he presented her and Todd with tickets to Fiji and the promise of ten days of nothing but sleeping until whenever they wanted, sex without having to lock the door and lots of alone time.
And that’s what they have. Long days and nights filled with pleasure. Long enough that the stress and exhaustion drops away and the three can simply enjoy each other.
They’ve got heat. More than ever before. Recharging their batteries has also brought new levels of intimacy and connection. But when Erin stumbles over the pain of her past, both men band together to not only help her through, but to help each other as well.
Series: Brown Siblings #5
Release Date: October 2, 2012
Publisher: Penguin
Source: Amazon, via my own wallet
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
I will admit, as soon as my iPhone dinged with an email last night, I knew it was my notification that this book was now on my various Kindle related devices and ready to download. I was giddy with anticipation and was glad I only had 10 more pages to read in the book in my hand so I could jump right to this one. An hour and a half later, I was glad I choose to forego sleep so I could spend the wee hours of the morning with Todd, Ben and Erin.
For those that may not have read picked up any of the Brown Sibling books, Todd, Ben and Erin are from the first book in the series, Laid Bare. The threesome have had to overcome personal and family prejudices, emotional devastation and learning compromise between friends to lovers in order to get to their HEA. As Laid Open begins, we can see that everything they went through made them a stronger unit and created a family that is filled with love. And in any family unit, no matter how strong, mommy and daddy (or daddies in this case) need some alone time to solidify those bonds.
Laid Open gives us an opportunity to see how Todd, Ben and Erin decompress from the trials and tribulations of home and reconnect with each other. Let me tell you…it’s freaking hot. Not only do they strengthen their ties as a threesome, but Ben and Todd take their relationship to a higher level of closeness.
It was wonderful catching up with the three of them and seeing just how much they have grown from their book. There are still emotional scars they must deal with, but they have truly built a unified front that could probably withstand just about anything…together.
This was the perfect ‘taste’ of the Browns to tide me over until Tart comes out. One I highly recommend.