Everyone is familiar with Charlotte Brontë’s passionate, but restrained novel in which the plain, yet spirited governess Jane Eyre falls for the arrogant Mr. Rochester. It’s a novel that simmers with sexual tension but never quite reaches the boiling point. Which is to be expected. After all, the original was written in 1847. That was then. This is now. And in JANE EYRE LAID BARE, author Eve Sinclair writes between the lines to chart the smoldering sexual chemistry between the long-suffering governess and her brooding employer.
When an eager and curious Jane Eyre arrives at Thornfield Hall her sexual desires are awakened. Who is the enigmatic Rochester and why is she attracted to him? What are the strange, yet captivating noises coming from the attic, and why does the very air she breathes feel heavy with passion? Only one thing is certain. Jane Eyre may have arrived at Thornfield an unfulfilled and tentative woman, but she will leave a very different person…
Release Date: October 30, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Source: NetGalley
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
As a very huge fan of Jane Eyre, I was unbelievably excited to give this book a whirl. I opened the cover, started to read, and was let down tremendously.
I know that erotica is all the rage right now, but marring a literary classic to try and entice readers is a bit much for me. I’ve read quite a few retellings of several classics, and some of them I actually enjoyed. This, however, was hard to decipher.
The 19th century writing and the author’s 21st century writing did not mesh well together. She was unable to capture the tone of Miss Bronte’s words. So much so, that the add-ins to the story read much more like a patchwork quilt than a book.
In my opinion, the author should have just written an original erotica novel, and left well enough alone. I will give her credit where credit is due, however, by saying that she DOES write fantastic erotic material. In a stand-alone book with original characters, I do believe that she would have a successful and enjoyable story. It’s just really hard for me to imagine a woman in the 19th century having sex on a horse, masturbating during a bumpy (and clearly arousing) carriage ride, and engaging in intense lesbian activity. ESPECIALLY when it’s Jane Eyre.
All in all, I can’t say that it was a horrible book. Like I mentioned before, the author knows how to write erotica. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to enjoy an original erotic work by her in the future. I certainly hope so!
So, if the retelling of a classic is what you’re looking for, it would be my recommendation that you look elsewhere. However, if you’re looking for steamy erotic material, then pick this up, and enjoy.
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