In a world full of frogs, Alison Carter is determined to find her prince. Maybe her dating past is more Titanic than Love Boat, but she’s seen enough happy marriages to know that true love is possible. No matter what, she won’t give up on happily-ever-after. If she can’t find Mr. Right, she’ll simply hire someone who can.
When Brandon Scott inherits a successful matchmaking business, he thinks his prayers have been answered. Set up a few lonely ladies, collect the fee, how hard can it be? No one needs to know he’s not really a professional matchmaker-especially not his first client, the beautiful, spirited Alison. Soon he’s falling for her-and her dreams of kids and carpools. But Alison is getting close to figuring out his secret, and if she learns he’s deceived her too, she’ll walk right out the door, taking Brandon’s heart with her.
Release Date: October 1, 2011
Publisher: Forever
Source: NetGalley
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
I completely enjoyed this book! It was funny, warm, and very romantic. It starts off with Alison Carter on a date with her boyfriend of 8 months. She was so sure he was going to ask her to marry him and was ecstatic to finally start her happily ever after… until he asked her to do a threesome with him and her friend instead. Alison Carter is like most girls: simple, drives a Toyota, a hopeless romantic that is just ready to settle down. So this is where the story gets good, she decides to hire a matchmaker to help her out. Here is where we meet Mr. Brandon Scott. He’s a good guy, but struggling due to the economic downfall and has decided to take over his grandmother’s business to make some extra money for his real estate deal. He figures how hard can it be to set up a couple of dates with a woman to help her out in her dating life. The dates are funny, the characters are lovable, I truly enjoyed this book! I came to love the main characters and rooted that both of them would finally find their happily ever after.
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