The Heart of Paris
Welcome to La Maison des Sorcieres. Where the window display is an enchanted forest of sweets, a collection of conical hats delights the eye and the habitues nibble chocolate witches from fanciful mismatched china. While in their tiny blue kitchen, Magalie Chaudron and her two aunts stir wishes into bubbling pots of heavenly chocolat chaud.
But no amount of wishing will rid them of interloper Philippe Lyonnais, who has the gall to open one of his world famous pastry shops right down the street. Philippe’s creations seem to hold a magic of their own, drawing crowds of beautiful women to their little isle amidst the Seine, and tempting even Magalie to venture out of her ivory tower and take a chance, a taste…a kiss.
Parisian princesses, chocolate witches, patissier princes and sweet wishes—an enchanting tale of amour et chocolat
Release Date: December 24, 2012
Publisher: Brava
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Philippe has always been arrogant; born into the family business of chocolate and having made a name for himself, why not. He is the prince and the beast all rolled into one and he knows exactly what he wants. From the moment he laid eyes on Magalie he knew he loved her but getting her to open up to him will be a challenge he never expected. Climbing her tower to stake a claim, he has to find a way to show her he has no intention of stealing her away but every intention of staying; he must learn to humble himself.
Magalie loves her tower and her job; La Maison des Sorcieres, putting a little magic into that everyday cup of hot chocolate. That all changes the moment she hears him laugh; from that moment on she knew she wanted him, but fear will be her biggest wall. Every time she is around him, her skin quivers, her body melts, and she feels as though she is the very chocolate she stirs every day. However, Magalie knows exactly where this will wind up; one of them making a choice to give it all up. So now she has to find a way to break down that wall or lose the man she loves forever.
Philippe is privileged of course and arrogant as ever; but at least he is sure of himself and what he wants. Magalie may be just as stubborn; but her fear of having to give it all up makes her question every angle of herself and Philippe. Having refused his dessert only opens a window for a constant battle, but who will cave first?
I hold my glass high; Laura Florand has done it again. She gives you a story of pure bliss; melt in your mouth, goodness that leaves you wanting more. La Maison des Sorcieres is truly magical and what could have been a slow beginning was nothing of the sort. Giving you this bit of magic she made the book itself irresistible and you will be helpless to stop yourself…..Something I really loved as well was her use of the previous characters; Sylvain and Cady make appearances throughout the book and only add to the depth. I recommend this book as well as the Chocolate Thief to everyone!!!
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