After one year as a divorcee’ Lena Powers dating misadventures continue. She is pursued by a handsome outdoors man, a British geologist, a Consul General, and a rocket scientist. Along the way, she finally gets a marriage proposal. Will there be a ‘Happy ever after’? Lena will surprise you.
Release Date: October 3, 2012
Publisher: Whisper Publishing
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
It isn’t often that I dislike a book. More often than not I’m lukewarm, I can appreciate the book and the story but just wasn’t enthusiastic about it. This is one of the rare occasions where I did not like the book. My main complaint was that the narrative was hard to follow. It was like picking up someone’s diary and reading from the middle. Powers writes in a casual manner which can be engaging but there is no real cohesive storyline. As a result, this was a series of events instead of a comprehensive story.
I found that reading the chapters independently made the reading experience more enjoyable. Once I did that instead of reading it as a book but more as a series of vignettes I was able to pick out stories that I enjoyed. I liked Powers’ spunk and approach to the situations thrown her way. Some of her encounters are hilarious, like the guy who dates her because his girlfriend suggested it, while others are heartbreaking. However, the writing style distracts form the content of the book. It was difficult to stay interested in the book because I felt the need to constantly find a way to make it flow. The lack of cohesiveness was a disappointment because it took away from an otherwise interesting subject.
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Owner at Cocktails and Books
I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.