Not even the bride could deny a certain punch-line quality to her current situation: hard-nosed divorce attorney dumps her fiancé and her career to take a job selling wedding gowns.
Sydney Garfield has always approached relationships rationally—none of this emotional head-over-heels or opposites-attract business. Marrying Jack Kaiser is the smart thing to do—after all, he’ll be the “perfect” husband. But after a life-changing shake-up at work, Sydney abandons logic—and her fiancé—to chase the fairy tale.
Real-estate mogul Jack can’t believe the woman he’s head-over-heels for is ditching her hard-won success—and him—to work as a small-town shop clerk. That’s her idea of a fairy tale? Hoping she’s merely in need of time, Jack follows Sydney to Smizer Mill, where he invests in the quaint coffee shop next door. Now, he’s got a few new challenges: make a failing coffee shop a success and convince Sydney that theirs is a romance worthy of a true happily ever after.
Series: Second Story Brides #1
Release Date: October 25, 2012
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Source: Provided by Publisher
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Wedding Dress for Saletakes the formula of boy meets girl and turns it on its end. The story opens in a small town bridal shop where Sydney is returning her wedding gown when Jack, her jilted groom, bursts through the door. Sydney isn’t the typical runaway bride who leaves the groom at the altar on their wedding day only to regret it later and spend the novel trying her best to win him back. This story is so much better than that. Sydney leaves everything behind, before any wedding is supposed to happen. Instead of playing the part of the bitter fiancé Jack follows her and gets a job in the coffee shop next to the bridal shop, effectively becoming the boy next door.
Sydney and Jack are funny and very human. She struggles with what it means to risk everything for love and he has to learn how to truly win her heart. The town of Smizer Mill and the cast of supporting characters flesh out the book nicely and push Jack and Sydney’s story along instead of detracting from it. That’s a good thing because at times it felt as if Stenzel couldn’t figure out how to advance the plot and would fall back on repetitive exposition. However, the characters are strong enough to make up for those weaknesses. I spent my time reading and falling in love with Jack, Sydney and their new town, especially the quirky Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmeier. Overall this was a comfy love story, great for winter break reading.
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Jodie Pierce