Mac–a Watcher, a Rogue killer–finds himself forced to share shelter against daybreak with an unconscious human female. When Lanette Parker’s lover used her to steal from the casino where she worked, Lanette was forced to flee and has since learned the Guiliano family that owns the casino aren’t the only monsters out there. Vampires exist. She’s also discovered they’re not all cold-blooded killers, and one in particular has her fear of once bitten, twice shy wavering. When Lanette’s pursuers kidnap her son, Mac is determined to go to Las Vegas and help her retrieve her son, keep her out of the Guilianos’s hands and bust some heads along the way, even if it kills him. Warning: Contains nail-biting scenes, bad jokes, and the introduction of vampire professional wrestlers.
Series: The Watchers #6
Release Date: May 21, 2012
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Source: BTS Emag
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:
Upon picking up this book I immediately thought of two things. My first thought being that Mac has a death wish. Not the fatalistic “woe is me” kind of death wish either, he well and truly was pushing the limits to see how far he could go. The second thought, and here is where people would say that I’m over thinking things, was to wonder how Lanette managed to raise a child in Las Vegas when she is obviously mentally challenged. And this is my polite way of saying that this woman’s actions make her out to be an idiot. Her actions time and again make no sense for someone who is responsible for a 5 yr old and is on the run for her life. When common sense dictates she hide, this woman goes out for coffee. Who does that? Mac is big, strong and honorable, with an inner marshmallow core. That being said, I was hoping for a heroine with a little more common sense.
I feel I should point out though that Midnight Rider is book six in the Watcher series. The reason for pointing this out first is not to put off anyone, but to make my absolute favorite thing about this book known. Ms. McEntire’s way with words is such that it wouldn’t make a difference if it were book 1 or book 20. The only connection between this book and the preceding 5 is Mac’s chosen of profession. Although other Watchers do make appearances, the storyline does not veer from its hero and heroine. Detailed scenes and alluring characters captivate the reader, while the romance and drama keep you turning the pages.
Very rarely do I have the privilege of reading a book this late in the series and find myself wanting to go back and start the series from the beginning. Ms. McEntire has made me want to do just that.