The Wunder Series from Debut Author, A.R. Von
A Semi-Zombie Erotic TreatWunder isn’t your average girl, in fact, she isn’t even an average human. In a world once ravaged by Zombies, she was born amidst the chaos. Where can a girl like her find the man of her delicious dreams? She has an idea and it leads her to the hottest new club in town, where she finds what’s been missing in her life.
Pete has his own secrets to tell, and when they come together, another story unfolds while the sparks fly.
Release Date: February 14, 2013
Publisher: Dream Z Dragon Publishing
Source: Author Provided
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Told in a first person POV, we hear the story of Wunder, a young 25-year-old woman who through a vicious twist of fate was born ¼ zombie. This very short novella begins with Wunder’s parents being attacked by zombies and consequently her mother being turned. Make note this is the only point in the entire story that there is any real zombie action. Now I feel I should make a disclaimer at this point. Anyone who knows me or is the least bit familiar with my reviews would note at this point that I do not normally review zombie fiction. Not sure why that is, it’s just never appealed to me. Regardless, Wunder has been rated very highly on other sites, as well as GoodReads, so I had high expectations. That was my first mistake.
Nothing in this story has made me change my mind about reading books with zombies as characters or villains. I still don’t see the fascination with zombies and I likely never will. That being said, you may take this for what it is, one lone person’s opinion. It seems that yet again I find myself disagreeing with the general consensus. Was Wunder a sound story? Well… it has a sound premise. It has the potential to be a good book. However, its short length does not allow for the reader to really get to know the characters or be invested in their story. The end was too abrupt and the characters need more depth. All of which is easily fixed. Although promising, this is one of those books that could do with another few chapters.
Cocktail Recipe
1 oz Apricot Brandy
.5 oz Grenadine
1 cup crushed ice
2 each cubed ice
1 each sliced lemon
1 dash lime juice
2 oz orange juice
1 oz 151 rum
2 oz sour mix
.5 oz Triple Sec
Fill a mixing glass with crushed ice. Add light and dark rum, grenadine, triple sec, apricot brandy, orange juice and sour mix. Shake well and strain into a Collins or Highball glass filled with ice cubes. Top with a dash of 151 rum and garnish.