17 year old Erin Harris spends her time daydreaming, hoping to escape her small town life in Copperfield, Arizona. When a movie crew arrives unexpectedly to shoot a vampire film over the summer, Erin’s small town world changes forever. Erin is positive she has seen the star, James Linkin before in a thirty year old TV show. He hasn’t aged a day. How is this possible? Erin is determined to find out, but how will James handle the scrutiny of an all too intelligent teenage girl?
Release Date: August 2012
Publisher: Soul Fire Press
Source: Provided by Author
Reviewer: Marie
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Okay, for starters, I have to say that as of late, I have not enjoyed many YA books that I’ve come across. And the reason is because they all have the exact same outline of a story. The only things that vary are the scenery and the male character’s attitude/supernatural being. This book was no exception to that rule.
We start with a teenage girl who is bored with her life. She needs excitement. When she stumbles upon a magnificent and mysterious boy that seems “out of this world,” she is drawn to him. The discovery that he is, in fact, a vampire….. let excitement and danger ensue. Where have we read this before? Oh, in about every other YA book from the last 5 years. So for me, this was a tad bit disappointing. But, I digress.
To be fair, as I feel the author is owed a fair assessment of her work, even though the story was all too familiar, the author’s writing was commendable. Her efforts to write an entertaining story were not for nothing. The romance between Erin and James was sweet, and the interaction between Erin and her twin brother, Nick, made me laugh. Another aspect of the author’s story that I can appreciate and honestly say THANK YOU for is the story’s lack of super teenage drama. Nothing kills a story more for me than a book loaded full of unnecessary drama just to add something scandalous to the book. This story has the drama down to a minimum, which made it a lot easier and more fun to read.
Overall, I have to say that it’s not a bad book. The author does write well, and she has created some fun characters. I just wish it hadn’t fallen in to the latest YA mainstream vampire craze. Her talents, and I’m sure creativity, could have written a much better version. This is definitely a book you could finish quickly, and if you’re a fan of the YA genre, one that you’d more than likely enjoy.