Leah Ramsey has always loved historical romance novels and dressing in period costumes. So when she has a chance to time travel and experience the history for herself, she jumps at it—figuring it can’t be too hard to catch the eye of a duke. After all, it happens all the time in her novels.
Avery Russell, valet and prize pugilist, reluctantly helps Leah gain a position in the Duke of Granville’s household . . . as a maid.
Domestic servitude wasn’t exactly what she had in mind, but she’s determined to win her happily ever after. Even if the hero isn’t exactly who she’s expecting.
Series: Geek Grils #2
Release Date: September 3, 2013
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Source: Provided by Publisher
Reviewer: Carin
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes is the second Geek Girls book by Gina Lamm it is a stand alone book but as always best if read as part of the series.
Leah is best friends with Jamie the heroine from the first Geek Girls book so she is familar with time travel through the mirror, so when she is down in the dumps after being dumped and Mrs. Knightsbridge (also a character from the first book) shows up to see Jamie, Leah jumps at the chance to go back in time.
Avery is the Duke of Granville’s valet when Leah climbs out of a mirror in his Graces bedchamber he is first taken back and then interested but Avery hasn’t always been a valet and because of his past as a boxer he knows he isn’t good enough for this beautiful woman who has traveled back in time to meet her true love.
Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes is in turns funny, facinating and sexy. Leah has to deside to follow her heart and Avery needs to learn his value as a person and not the value that Regency society places on him. I love the time travel element and the fact that this is a more irrevernt look at a Regency romance. I love Avery and just want to hug him and tell him how wonderful he really is and Leah has great fire and spunk and is willing to do what it takes to get her man.
I hope that Ms. Lamm has several more Geek Girls books in the works for us so that we can continue to enjoy them.
Great review! I have the first book in the series in my pile and looking forward to reading it. And now I’m already anticipating book 2!
I recently read The Geek Girl and the Scandelous Earl & really liked it. I am looking forward to this new book in the series. Thanks for the review!