Sarah Jenkins, a math geek and hockey fanatic, is thrilled when the NHL hires her as an advisor for the Buffalo Storm. She gets to marry her two loves in this perfect job.
Sebastian St. Amant is a young hockey player looking to make the jump from the minors to the big leagues. His lifelong dream is within reach, but he needs to convince the Storm’s management and coaches he’s ready.
When Sarah and Sebastian meet, sparks immediately fly. Both want to succeed, but neither can ignore the growing attraction and a relationship is out of the question—Sarah’s an influential staff member and Sebastian’s a player, not to mention ten years her junior.
But the impossible becomes the necessary when they can no longer fight their attraction. As everything crashes around them, the strength of their relationship is tested. Will it weather the storm, or should they have known better?
Release Date: April 2, 2013
Publisher: Twenty or Less Press
Source: Provided by Author/Publisher via Manic Readers
Reviewer: Karen
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Sparks fly the moment Sarah Jankins and Sebastian St. Amant bump into each other in the parking lot of the Buffalo Storm’s ice arena. The chance meeting takes place on Sarah’s first day as a Competitive Analysis Consultant for NHL’s Buffalo Storm hockey team. Sarah’s new position combines her love of hockey and math and is her dream job. She has a PHD in applied mathematics and thinks of herself as math geek. Because Sarah is a woman and has never played hockey, everyone is skeptical that her math skills can improve the team’s chances of winning.
Sarah is immediately attracted to Sebastian and his French Canadian accent. In fact, he makes Sarah weak in the knees when he uses a mixture of English and French. Although there is a strong chemistry between them, Sarah has hesitations about dating Sebastian. Throughout the book, Sarah goes back and forth trying to decide what to do.
Sebastian is the newest rookie on the Buffalo Storm’s hockey team and needs to prove himself. He is a combination of talent, personality and looks, but isn’t aware of his affect on women. He has a boyish charm and a heart of gold. Sebastian wants to date Sarah and tries his best to be patient with her reservations.
SHOULD’VE KNOWN BETTER is a sweet, contemporary hockey romance. Sebastian and Sarah are both down-to-earth and easy to connect with. The guys on the team have a special camaraderie and are entertaining and funny. They love nothing better than to pull a good prank on each other. Sebastian and Sarah must deal with their issues and then decide if they are willing to take a chance.