Felix Rivendale, the Marquess of Wrenworth, is The Ideal Gentleman, a man all men want to be and all women want to possess. Felix himself almost believes this golden image. But underneath is a damaged soul soothed only by public adulation. Louisa Cantwell needs to marry well to support her sisters. She does not, however, want Lord Wrenworth—though he seems inexplicably interested in her. She mistrusts his outward perfection and the praise he garners everywhere he goes.But when he is the only man to propose at the end of the London season, she reluctantly accepts. Louisa does not understand her husband’s mysterious purposes, but she cannot deny the pleasure her body takes in his touch. Nor can she deny the pull this magnetic man exerts upon her. But does she dare to fall in love with a man so full of dark secrets, anyone of which could devastate her, if she were to get any closer?
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Publisher: Berkley
Source: NetGalley
Reviewer: Michelle
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Louisia Cantwell was in London on a mission to find a husband. Felix Rivendale was enjoying the scenery and admiration from the females seeking to be married when he noticed one woman not setting her cap for him. This was a challenge he could not ignore. And so begins the tale of two misfits determined to hide their true selves in plain sight. The author demonstrated a touch of genius when she laid out Felix’s past and then allowed the reader to draw paralles between his behavior and his past. I loved their naughty, witty conversations. They were spontaneous and made love absolutely everywhere. Hands down these characters had the absolute best dialogue of any book I’ve ever read —they just fit. I couldn’t wait to hear them respond to each other and often found myself laughing or smiling as their rapport formed in spite of themselves. This is an awesome book about us becoming our parents despite all the promises we make to ourselves that we’ll “never be like them” and the courage to embrace the power of love to risk it all and right every wrong. This is a special book that sticks with you long afte you have finished. Don’t miss this stellar offering that promises to tug on all of your emotions while reminding you that real love is worth it all.