The first in USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton’s Redhead series is a playful and erotic romance between an aspiring actress and Hollywood’s hottest new leading man.
When Grace Sheridan returns to Los Angeles to become a working actress, it’s a second shot at a life-long dream. With some help from her best-friend agent, will that dream become a reality—or at thirty-three, has Grace missed her chance at the big time? And when an unexpected sizzling romance with Jack Hamilton, the entertainment industry’s newest “it” boy, threatens to shine an uncomfortable spotlight on her life, how will that affect her career…and his?
Funny, borderline neurotic Grace is perfect in her imperfections, and the sexual chemistry between her and charming yet blissfully unaware Jack is off the charts. With laugh-out-loud dialogue and a super-steamy romance that will get your heart racing, sneaking around in L.A. and dodging the paparazzi has never been so fun.
Series: Redhead Series #1
Release Date: October 15, 2013
Publisher: Gallery Books
Source: Edelweiss
Reviewer: Shannon
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
I loved this book! There. I said it. Wait…I’ll say it again. I loved this book.
There was just something about Grace, Holly, Nick and more importantly, Jack Hamilton, that had me from the very beginnnig. Yes, sometimes the humor was childish and crass, but it made it fun to read and had me laughing…a lot.
Jack and Grace were special. These two people were coming from very different ends of the Hollywood spectrum, but they were absolutely perfect for each other. Alice Clayton may have had me laughing through most of their early relationship (Grace and the seagull…that’s all I’m going to say), but she wrote their crazy romance in a such a way that you could tell that these two were meant for each other.
The secondary characters were almost as enjoyable as Jack and Grace. Holly was the perfect best friend for the slightly off balance, Grace. Sometimes you just need a blunt best friend. This was Holly. Then there was Nick…the gay BF. He added to comedy, with his fawning over all the pretties, and never failed to make me laugh.
The book was brilliant. It was funny, quirky with a sexy as hell Brit who was very talented off the screen as well. I will warn you, make sure you have access to book two. You wont’ want to leave these characters when you get to the last page.