Young love burns hot and bright. Soul mates are found, then lost in the blink of an eye. When young widow Maureen Gordon Taylor meets her daughter’s sexy soccer coach, her body and heart slowly unthaw. But will holding tight to the past cost her a future?
A devastating blow shatters a family’s fragile happiness. Rob Freitag and Lila Warren now confront life without the emotional glue that once bound them, but a shared goal brings them back together. Is it enough to make them whole again and become the family they were meant to be?
Mutual trust is hard won for the Gordons. When tragedy strikes, Jack and Sara’s lives are sent into a tailspin. To keep her family from falling apart, she must force Jack to admit his deepest fears. After everything they’ve been through, can they revive the spark and move to the next stage of marital fulfillment?
The sweeping saga of the Stewart Realty series continues as long-time friends learn to rely on each other, and to grab hold of happiness before it’s too late.
Series: Stewart Realty #6
Release Date: November 4th 2012
Publisher: Tri Destiny Publishing
Source: Amazon, via my own wallet
Reviewer: Shannon
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Liz demanded that I read this book, since I read books 1-4 in the series and then jumped to book 9. It was absolutely fabulous! FABULOUS!
As with the other books in the series, this is truly an ensemble story. We interact with many different characters from the series, but this is really Maureen and Rafe’s story. Maureen had lost the man she considered the love of her life in a horrible accident and has spent many years alone, raising her children. Sure, she was surrounded by her family and friends, but she never dated or even had the inkling to, until her kids hot, Latin soccer coach came along.
Rafe had a bit of an uphill battle with Maureen. He felt a connection with her that he wanted to fully explore, but Maureen threw up every road block possible (he’s her kids coach, he’s younger, she just couldn’t….). But Rafe was a man determined and wasn’t going to let Maureen sidetrack what he thought they would have together. He struggled, a lot, and spent many month nursing a bruised ego and a somewhat mangled heart, but he stood his ground and waited for Maureen to catch up with him.
Maureen, being Jack’s sister, had that Gordon stubbornness. She was always willing to lend a hand or advice to one of her friends or her brother, but she never really took a look at what she was doing to herself and to Rafe. And just like Jack, it sometimes takes extremes for her to remove her head from the tail end of her body before she realizes what’s right in front of her. God love the Gordon’s but are they ever an exhaustive group!
What I loved most was watching the second generation, Brandis and Gabe. Their relationship was explosive even when they were babies and it was fun to see how, even then, they had their parents on their toes.
An absolute pleasure and one I’m glad I was tasked to read. Well done, Liz. Well done.