Review: Shattered by Tracy Wolff

Posted May 4, 2014 by Shannon in Reviews / 0 Comments

18465707The Extreme Risk series—Tracy Wolff’s edgy, emotional take on the New Adult genre—continues with the story of a lost soul and the fearless beauty who inspires him to take a flying leap back into life.

Ash Lewis has poured every last ounce of his blood, sweat, and tears into reaching the very top of the professional snowboarding world—until the unthinkable happens. After the biggest competition win of his career, Ash’s mother and father are killed in a tragic accident. Unable to handle the idea of going back out on the snow to pursue the dream his parents shared with him, Ash feels that he has no choice but to walk away from snowboarding forever. Then he meets Tansy Hampton.

Wild, fun, and impulsive, Tansy has a different look and a new passion every week. As a cancer survivor who spent the past several years waiting to die, Tansy has a fresh perspective on life—even if she doesn’t have a clue about what she actually wants to do with it. But she’s determined to find out, and that means making the most of her time while she still can.

From the very beginning, their chemistry is intense. But while Ash can’t stop chasing the ghosts of what can never be, Tansy stays firmly focused on the possibilities the world holds for her—and for them. She’s already picked up the pieces of one shattered life. Now she’s determined to help Ash do the same.

Series: Extreme Risk #2
Release Date: May 20th 2014
Publisher: Loveswept
Source: Manic Readers
Reviewer: Candace
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Reviewer’s Thoughts

Shattered is the second book in the Extreme Risk series. In Shredded, we met Ash Lewis and he was the planner, the get it done guy in this crazy group of snowboarders. He seemed to have the most “normal” life.

At the end of Shredded, the group is at the X-games and we get the terrible cliffhanger that Ash’s family has been involved in a terrible accident. Ash struggles with this loss of his parents in the horrific car accident that also left his brother paralyzed from the waist down. He blames himself as they were on the way to see him perform at the X-Games. Now that he is his brothers caretaker, Ash feels like he isn’t able to live his life. He must play nursemaid to his brother and he can’t snowboard anymore. The guilt is killing him.

Tansy shows up on his doorstep with a request. She works for Make a Wish and she needs Ash to snowboard with a little boy dying from cancer. Ash tells her no but only after accosting her in a storage closet. There is an instant chemistry between the two that neither can deny but Ash doesn’t have time for complications. He also doesn’t snowboard anymore and he sure as hell isn’t leaving his little brother Logan alone. His little brother and best friend Z Michaels goes behind his back and pushes him into making the trip.

On the trip, Ash and Tansy finally connect. Ash’s walls begin to come down and he realizes that this girl makes him want to live again. What Ash doesn’t know is that Tansy is a 19-year-old girl that has been struggling with cancer for 10 years and is finally in remission (for a second time). She wants to live her life to the fullest and not be known as the cancer girl that everyone feels sorry for. Ash finds it easy to open up to Tansy and she is able to help him with his problematic relationship with his brother. Tansy, however, still isn’t able to be big enough to let him know about her past.

I really enjoy this group of snowboarding friends and Ash and Tansy’s story didn’t disappoint. I hope that there is a book three that dives into Luc and Cam. There is a good story brewing there and it has been in the background for the first two books!

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I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.