Journalist Riley Clark is chasing the story that could make his career—the reported sighting of a fabled Argent shifter. His investigation takes him to the town of Elk Ridge, which turns out to be everything he hates. Things start to look up, however, when he meets Jason Nichols.
Jason is shy, sweet, and has the most beautiful smile Riley has ever seen. Riley wants to keep seeing that smile, and as he spends time with Jason, his hoped for scoop becomes less and less important. But his editor is still pressuring him for that story. So when Riley discovers that Jason is a member of the pack he’s in town to look into, it seems like fate—he can be with Jason and continue his investigation at the same time.
His plan has just one drawback—he hasn’t thought about what will happen if Jason and his pack discover Riley’s real reason for being in Elk Ridge.
Series: Strength of the Pack #2
Release Date: December 11th 2013
Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand Publishing
Source: Manic Readers
Reviewer: Kenna
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
“A Liar’s Moon” is the second installment of the “Strength of the Pack” series by Joy Lynn Fielding.
It’s the tale of Jason Nichols, the rather sensitive wolf shifter who is the cook at the local diner and at the ranch, and Riley Clark, a journalist who is following up on a tip that the small town of Elk Ridge has a pack that is harboring a very rare Argent shifter (Here is where I recommend that you read the first book in the series, “An Impossible Mate”, so you can get the lowdown on this.). Riley is on a deadline, and his career is in jeopardy if he doesn’t get this story.
That’s where the book really takes off. Jason and Riley have an INSTANT attraction. It’s so sexy and sweet. There’s a problem, though. Once Riley finds out that Jason is part of the pack he’s investigating, he takes that opportunity to exploit that sexy and sweet attraction.
I liked this one better that the first. I felt the chemistry between Jason and Riley right away, and I was rooting for them. There is an excellent plot with this one, and the balance of sex, romance, angst, action, and mystery is just right. Once again, I did feel that the romance with the men was a little rushed, but it’s not a very long book. Also, we get some more glimpses into the pack and the other members. “A Liar’s Moon” didn’t feel quite as busy as “An Impossible Mate”, and that helped me get through the story a bit easier.
I do recommend that you read this book if you really enjoy hot M/M romance (And, WHEW! The Sex!), shifters, action, and a good woven story. I’m looking forward to book three.