Sydney Tannen has been living in denial for the last 12 years. Now that she’s making a life with Drew Forrester, hiding from her past is no longer an option.
An emotional reunion with her father brings Sydney a peaceful feeling that she hasn’t experienced in a long time. Her contentment vanishes quickly with a single phone call. When Sydney finds out that Drew is keeping something huge from her, she throws herself into work to avoid facing the problem.
The stress of Drew’s secret, combined with 12 years of carefully constructed denial, comes crashing down spectacularly and Sydney ends up in a hopeless place, alone and afraid. Can she accept her past and face the future? Or is it easier to remain in the dark?
Series: Famous #3
Release Date: August 24th 2014
Publisher: Shelbyville
Source: Provided by Author
Reviewer: Shannon
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
4.5 Cocktails
EXTREMELY FAMOUS is the conclusion to Sydney and Drew’s journey towards their happily ever after. As with the other installments in the series, life for Sydney and the Sexiest Man Alive still isn’t easy. And this book is all about Sydney figuring out what’s important to her and learning how to deal with everything that surrounds Drew.
Given Sydney’s history with the papparazzi invading her life readers can definitely understand why she is having such issues with the media circus that surrounds her relationship with Drew. Through flashbacks, we see how those invasions ripped apart her world. But it’s also through those flashbacks that Sydney starts to understand what’s important to her. She has a choice: to learn from her parents mistakes or go down the same path. For a while, I wasn’t sure what Sydney was going to choose, but in the end she fought for what she wanted. But more importantly, she learned to talk to Drew. To not let his sometimes explosive temper or his schedule keep her from talking to him about the important stuff.
Drew was Drew. An absolute alpha male trying to protect his woman to the point of almost alienating her. His need to shelter Sydney from all the bad (mainly because of his fear that she’d bolt) often caused a lot of their issues, but you knew he was doing it out of love. Sure, if that were me I probably would have been irate, but I couldn’t help but love the guy for wanting to protect her. But I think Drew also learned that Sydney’s not fragile and he needs to be honest with her.
Heather Leigh gave us the perfect ending for this not so Hollywood couple. It wasn’t an easy road for them and sometimes they were their own worst enemy, but the epilogue proved everything they went through was worth it.
Thanks Shannon!