May Fredericks hates New York. Which is fair enough, since New York seems to hate her back. Just weeks after moving from Wisconsin to Manhattan, she receives the world’s worst marriage proposal, stabs her boyfriend with a shrimp fork in a very public venue, and accidentally becomes notorious. And that’s before she gets mugged.
At her wit’s end, May washes up at a Packers bar in Greenwich Village, where she meets a surly, unhelpful guy who hates her shoes and calls her ex a douche.
His name is Ben. He used to be a chef. Now he’s a rooftop beekeeper with anger management issues. She wouldn’t even like him, but he reminds her of home … and he knows where to find all the best food in the Village.
She makes him laugh. He buys her tacos and cowboy boots. The longer they’re stuck together, the better May and Ben get along … and the harder they fall. TRULY is a quirky, modern New York love story unlike any you’ve read before.
Series: New York #1
Release Date: September 2013
Publisher: Random House Loveswept
Source: NetGalley
Reviewer: BookBud
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
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This was such a refreshing book. There were no multi-billionaire CEO’s, no immature 20 something year old girls trying to figure out life. This was a love story about real people you can actually identify with. There was no instant love at first sight; no I have to have you now with in the first moments of meeting. You will get to know May and Ben at the same time that Ben and May are getting to know each other. I think this was a first for me that I did not lust after a book boyfriend. I totally wanted Ben for May and only for May. May kind of became my best friend in this book and it would have been just wrong for me being her best friend to lust after her guy.
About Ben and May:
May, just moments after leaving a ‘Dear John’ letter for her famous quarterback boyfriend Dan, finds herself being mugged and left with no phone or money to get back home to Wisconsin. She has $5.00 to her name and decides to go to a bar and buy a beer instead. This is where she meets Ben. Ben is a little stand-offish and doesn’t really want to get to know the tall blond trying to get his attention. Ben is divorced and just angry with everyone. But there is a lot more to Ben and you will enjoy getting know him when reading the book. There are lots of food references that will make your stomach hungry and just enough heart stealing moments that will make you swoon.