Molly has lived as a king vulture amongst condors. Her family considers her animal a profound disappointment and has ignored her until she finally decides that she has a right to a life and she wants it.
When she is at the Crossroads, she notices the man sent to reclaim her, and while she knows he is in charge of her clan, she isn’t quite sure what he is.
After they acknowledge mutual attraction, they spend a night together and have to work on the consequences when they shift for their first big flight together.
Series: Shifting Crossroads #18
Release Date: July 1st 2014
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Source: Provided by Author/Publisher via Manic Readers
Reviewer: Sheri
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
3.5 Cocktails
Molly has never fit in with her family because she just doesn’t fit the mold her parents live by. They have to keep up appearances in order to live the life they’re accustomed to so they send the leader of the Avian council to retrieve her in the Crossroads.
Damon expects the woman he is sent to retrieve to be young lady who is not ready to make the decision to mate. He’s surprised to find that she’s older and he’s immensely attracted to her.
I really liked the twists and turns of this story. I really enjoyed the twist that helps these two really connect. I highly recommend this story because it has all the elements of a Crossroads romance, but without the normal suspense. It was a throwback to what led me to fall in love with the series in the first place.