Atlantic City is the perfect place for detective Bradley Hudson to nurse his broken heart. A week of beer and strippers is sure to erase his former fiancée from his memory for good. What he didn’t count on was running into a sassy redhead from his past. Maybe a rebound romp is an even better plan…
Trina Trimble, private eye in training, is thrilled to be reunited with the hottie she almost hooked up with last summer. She’s undercover on her first solo case, but there’s always time to lock lips with a sexy cop. Besides, a fun fling with Brad doesn’t have to last beyond his week in town.
Brad and Trina are supposed to be just flirting, not forging a new forever. Brad’s still healing, and although Trina changes careers the way other women change shoes, she has finally found her calling in her new life of disguises and stakeouts. But when an irresistible job offer threatens to lure her away, Brad will need to decide to let her go or bet it all on love and risk his heart again.
Series: Follow up to Love at High Tide
Release Date: September 22, 2014
Publisher: Carina Press
Source: Manic Readers
Reviewer: Joelle
Rating: 3
Reviewer’s Thoughts
This is the second book I’ve read by Cristi Barth. I first read Darcy & Cooper’s story, so it was fun to read this one and follow-up with Trina & Brad’s tale!
The characters are lovable (and hot–so that helps!) and the stories always have a fun little mystery to them. Barth’s books are light reads, but the character development is there, so readers are invested. Of course, we root for Brad and want him to find true love. The book begins with him trying to mend his broken heart. Trina comes along at just the right time. While Brad is just a bit uptight, Trina is fun-loving, adventurous, & a little zany. They find that they can each balance the other out, and they just might be a match!
As usual, Trina has gotten herself in a little over her head with her latest caper. With the help of her good friends and Brad, she comes out of it ok and with a confident new perspective of herself.
Readers will enjoy this one. It’s fun & light, but there’s also some substance to it. It’s a good beach read for these last remaining days of summer!