Ruth Jones loves her boyfriend Justin. He is handsome, has a killer body, and the sex is awesome. He does have one major fault though. He travels so much with work that she only gets to see him once or twice a week, and that is his reasoning for always wanting to . . . stay in. At first she’s happy that he only wants to be with her, but over time, his habit of jibbing out at the last minute for every family occasion, work function, or any bloody occasion that involves socialising, really does her head in. All she wants, for goodness sake, is for people to get to know her boyfriend. Okay, so she wants them to see she has a hunk of a boyfriend, but is that so wrong?
When Ruth wakes up in a hotel room one morning suffering from a major hangover, she tries to piece the events of the previous night together. Feeling let down by yet another no-show by Justin at a work function, she headed to the bar and ordered a drink. The last thing she remembers is sitting next to an average-looking guy with a nice accent and large hands, and wondering just what those hands could do given half the chance. When the bathroom door opens and Mr. Average walks out, she realises that at the ripe old age of thirty-three, Ruth Jones has experienced her first one-night stand.
A one-night stand that is about to send her world into utter turmoil.
Release Date: October 1st 2014
Publisher: Bottom Drawer Publications
Source: Manic Readers
Reviewer: Elizabeth B.
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Reviewer’s Thoughts
Poor Ruth! Her super-hot boyfriend, Justin, has pulled a no show once again and she is left the laughing stock at another company function. Too much wine in the hotel bar leads her to Danny and a one night stand.
I was intrigued by the premise behind Joanne Rawson’s novella and enjoyed how she handled Ruth and the two men in her life. I related to Ruth. I mean what woman wouldn’t be semi-swept away by a man who was “at the front of the line” in the looks department and wanted to spend his limited time closeted away with her? I can see how she could overlook Justin’s flaws in order to not be alone.
As we learned more about Ruth, Justin, and her developing friendship with Danny I found myself rooting for her to connect more fully with Danny. The supporting cast of snarky and sweet friends plus goofy family helped me get to know the main characters better through their interactions.
Character descriptions and situations between Ruth and both men definitely had me rooting for Ruth to be with one man more than the other and a little frustrated with Ruth as she refused to see who the better man really was. This was the one thing where I feel a longer novella or even full length novel would have benefited the story by not telegraphing the author’s intentions for the conclusion so clearly.
Overall, a cute and quick read. Definitely an enjoyable book and an author I would be willing to read again.