Sinful Rewards 8 by Cynthia Sax
Avon Impulse / On Sale February 17th / ISBN: 9780062354242
Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Cynthia Sax
Sinful Rewards 8 is a sizzling hot installment filled with delicious confrontations. The two men interested in Bee – Nicolas, the billionaire with a dark secret, and Hawke, the tattooed bad boy biker – finally face each other (yes, talk about awkward!) and, wowsers, is it a heated (and almost deadly) exchange.
Here’s a snippet from this scene…
Hawke rushes forward, lifts Nicolas off the ground, and pins him against the wrought-iron fence, his hands wrapped around the man’s neck, the barbed wire tattoo encircling his bulging right bicep rippling.
“Watch your mouth, Rainer,” he growls, leaning forward, staring directly into his opponent’s eyes. “That’s my girl you’re talking to.”
Hawke and Nicolas are two powerful, determined men. Neither of them are the type to back down, to admit failure or weakness. And they don’t…not really. If Bee hadn’t been present, I suspect the encounter would have been even more hostile with one or both of the men ending up in jail or dead.
This is the first of several confrontations (there’s another confrontation that I KNOW Sinful Rewards readers very much want to see and will cheer during). Sinful Rewards 8 is definitely the most intense installment in the story thus far.
These confrontations are needed. They aren’t inserted for titillation (though they ARE titillating! Who doesn’t love a good smack down between two hot, hunky men? Sign me up for those ringside seats!).
Nicolas and Hawke had to meet. This very physical confrontation shakes them out of their civilized, ‘trying to behave and impress others’ acts, showing Bee, our heroine, a glimpse of their true selves.
By seeing the two of them together, interacting this way, unchained and emotional, she learns more about these rivals for her affections. She can make a better decision.
I love reading these fictional confrontations. The scenes get my blood pumping and my heart racing. I really enjoy it when characters say or do things I’d never dare to contemplate in real life. I would never threaten a rival the way Hawke threatens Nicolas. (looks at my spaghetti arms) I certainly couldn’t pin this rival against a fence. But Hawke does and I love it.
How do you feel about confrontations between characters in erotic romances? Do you enjoy them or do you cringe? Do you think they’re sexy? How do you read these scenes? Do you slow down? Speed up? Skip to the end of the scene to find out how it ends?
CYNTHIA SAX lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.
Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.
Please visit her on the web at
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Sinful Rewards 9 will be on-sale March 17th
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