Series: Judge Me Not #3
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
Publication Date: January 15, 2015
Pages: 248
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No one ever said a lasting love would be easy.
When Chase and Kay hit the streets of Las Vegas, the goal is simple—rescue Will, Chase’s brother, from making the biggest mistake of his young life. But keeping Will out of trouble turns out not to be the only obstacle in Chase and Kay’s path. Finding himself back in the city that broke him, Chase’s heartbreaking past threatens to derail all the progress he’s made.
However, Chase is determined not to let that happen.
While striving to help Will before he implodes, Chase seeks to come to terms with the things that almost destroyed him. He soon discovers that the answers to the most complicated questions sometimes lie in one’s own heart. You just have to be willing to dig deep enough to find them.
Can Chase succeed in doing that?
Just Let Me Love You is a story of healing, letting go, and trusting love to guide you. The conclusion of the Judge Me Not trilogy brings everything full circle.
Shannon’s Thoughts
After reading the first two books in this series, I was expecting more from this last book. It had some of the angst that I expected from Chase and Kay’s relationship and also that with his little brother. But it felt like it was m
Chase goes to Vegas to stop his brother from making a big mistake. Kay chases Chase to Vegas in hopes of proving to him that she can be the steady rock he needs. And seeing as this is Chase and Kay, we find the two of the embroiled in Chase’s family drama. It was all that family drama that made me like this less than the other 2 books. The other books, we truly focused on Kay and Chase’s relationship. How they navigated through and built their life together. Vegas just brought back everything that was bad in Chase’s life, at times forcing him to push the one person who has stuck beside him away. The focus went from Chase and Kay to Chase trying to fix his wayward brother and clueless mother. I know the author needed to close this part of Chase’s life to move forward, to have Chase believe he was making up for how he dealt with things in the past. But most of the story felt like a step back, rather than a step forward.
This was still a good read and it did bring us the final HEA for Chase and Kay, I just wish Vegas could have stayed away from them.