Genres: Erotica, M/M
Published by Torquere Press LLC Publication Date: July 30 2013
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Samuel Riley is gorgeous - tall, muscular, and intelligent. The girls love him. And so does his roommate, Aidan Flemming. Secretly, of course, because Aidan is as gay as Sammy is straight - and even the out and proud Aidan knows there are limits to Sammy's acceptance. Cursed to watch as Sammy dates half the co-eds on campus, a lonely Aidan spends his time writing, helping Sammy and his friends survive literature classes, and recovering from a disastrous love affair that left Aidan heartbroken.
But when happiness finally comes for Aidan in the body of his roommate's fellow rower, all that changes. In Steven, Aidan finds happiness and romance. The rower, a blond, blue-eyed Adonis, makes Aidan feel desired and appreciated. But their very public courtship stirs up controversy and violence, and Aidan's life gets very complicated.
Attacks rock the campus community, and in the middle of the upheaval, Aidan finds himself noticed by the last person he'd expect. Samuel Riley, his roommate, his impossible dream, and just possibly, a very jealous suitor. But the jealous suitor has a girlfriend. And she is not happy.
Kenna’s Thoughts
I’m just going to say, right off the back, that “Loving Aidan” is an extremely well written book with strong attention to detail that will immerse you into the story. In fact, it sucks you in…and sucks you under…and doesn’t let go until the final sentence. Ashavan Doyon is gifted with the written world.
A little rundown here. Aidan is a gay college student who is in love with his straight roommate. They’re friends, but it really hurts him that Sammy is bring woman after woman to their room for sex, while he as to spend all night in the all night diner down the street doing his classwork on his laptop. Meanwhile, a teammate of Sammy’s, Steven, takes an interest in Aidan. It begins with teasing (because for all intents and purposes, Steven is straight as well, even dating a good friend of Aidan’s), but eventually moves into a full fledged relationship. Steven knows that Aidan loves Sammy, and is even ok with it. That is my first problem with the story. Steven tells Aidan that, if the chance to be with Sammy pops up for him, then he should take that chance, even though it would break his heart. WHAT?? No way, Jose! If you’re with me, you’re with me. Especially if I’m in love with you!
Eventually, the chance DOES present itself. Sammy is suddenly very jealous of Steven, and after witnessing (unbeknownst to Aiden and Steven) an intimate moment, goes caveman and declares that Aiden should be HIS…even though he’s got a crazy and insanely jealous b***h of a girlfriend. He says that he wants to break up with said b***h and be with Aidan, and that he MUST break it off completely with Steven, which Aidan does. Ok, by this time, I’m hating every single character in the story but poor Steven. Poor, sensitive, deeply in love Steven. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to hate the “hero” of the story, and I was getting very upset. It all felt like cheating to me, and I was literally sweating as I read, and I had to keep taking breaks because I was ANGRY. There were several times where I just wanted to put it down and walk away, but I had committed to reading it and reviewing it, I pressed on. I had read several reviews from other people, and there were complaints about there being too much sex. Well, there is a LOT of sex here. I enjoy plentiful sex scenes in my books, and I have to say, every single one of these were extremely hot. I didn’t consider them to be too much, but I can see where someone else would. To each his own there. I just really dig the sex
Underneath the love triangle, there is a separate story. On campus, there is a very anti-gay movement. There is violence, and it lands Aidan’s ex in the hospital in serious condition. Aidan and Steven have to endure it, but THEY could at least fight back. Also, there are some pretty mean sorority girls who are pretty pissed off about their boyfriends dumping them for Aidan, and they enlist the help of their fellow sisters and THEIR boyfriends…mostly from the football team. More violence ensues putting Sammy and Aidan in the hospital as well. This story could be a book unto itself, and I think it would be a great one. It’s timely. It’s interesting. It’s real, and it’s worth reading. I would have been pretty happy with that if I didn’t have the love triangle distracting me…and frustrating me.
I won’t give away the ending. In fact, I think I said too much already. I just wanted to make sure that you get the full idea of what goes on in the book. I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t read it, simply because it upset me. As I said in the first paragraph, “Loving Aidan” is beautifully written. The characters are well developed, and the story flows. I actually wish I could give two reviews…one for writing style and one for the story. Personal tastes are personal tastes. If you’re angst is your thing, you’ll absolutely LOVE this. if you’re into heartwrenching love triangles, this is the book for you. If you like very steamy (actually nuclear) male/male sex scenes you’ll get a charge out of it. Unfortunately, even all that amazing sex couldn’t make me like this book enough to go above three stars.
Thanks for taking the time to read! I don’t normally comment on reviews, but you seemed so happy with Steven that I thought maybe you’d want to give a story focused on Steven a try. I wrote Steven’s story in the novel Steven’s Heart, also published by Torquere Press.