Series: Voyeur Moon #3
Genres: Erotica, Fantasy
Published by Evernight Publishing Publication Date: March 27, 2015
Also in this series: Kidnapped By A Warrior, Fallon's Capture, Seduced by Two Warriors
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Marianne Kowalski is simply trying to survive on what’s left of Earth after two years of invasions by the Tyranns. One night she spots an alien spaceship. When two men emerge, she hands them a letter explaining how to find her missing aunt and uncle. Marianne has nothing left on Earth, and only wants to rejoin the two people who raised her.
But when she wakes up, she’s on Addo with Vaughn and River, two hulking alien men who inform her that her aunt and uncle have been taken prisoner by the Tyranns and are being held somewhere on Voyeur Moon. Marianne puts her IT skills to work helping the Addonians, but falling in love with Vaughn and River isn’t something she counted on.
Kenna’s Thoughts
Ravenna Tate does it again! She’s writing a great new series called “Voyeur Moon”, and I’m enjoying it very much. It’s unique and interesting. Sure, we’ve all read stories about sexy alien warriors, but in this series, and in “Marianne’s Abduction” we find mystery and intrigue along with the battles, and such wonderful romance!
In this installment, Marriane is alone on Earth, her only family (aunt and uncle who raised her) having travelled to take jobs on a planet called Sera. Earth has been overrun by invaders from a race of aliens called Tyranns who are destroying the planet and kidnapping the women to take back and use as sex slaves. One day, she gets a letter telling her that they would be sending a ship to pick her up and take her to her aunt and uncle, she despeately wants to belive it. A ship DOES come, but it’s not piloted by who she thinks it is. River and Vaughn are Addonians. They want to stop the Tyranns from carrying out any further evil, and they mnow that Marianne’s letter is a trap. They take her back with them, and together, they will find a way to rescue her family, and to continue to try and stop the Tyranns.
Sound good? It IS good. You’ll get caught up in the story quickly. There is a lot of action, and River and Vaughn are the perfect heroes. They’re noble, and smart, and…sexy! They click right away with Marianne and the three of them have a lot of chemistry together. Their relationsip takes off quickly, but that’s ok. It’s not a long book, and we want them to be able to explore each other AND save her family, so it has to be that way. It’s not overwhelming, and it doesn’t seem out of place. Speaking of their relationship…it’s HOT! The sex is fantastic. I mean Fan-freaking-tastic! I love them together. I also like the background characters. They fit right in, and they move the story along. They’re not just taking up space. Two of them have already had a book devoted to them, and I’m pretty sure that the other two will have their own very soon
I think I gave away too much, but I wanted you to be able to see just how good this book…and this series is. I suppose it could be read as a stand alone, but you might be a little lost as far as the invasion and kidnapping of women background. I recommend you read them in order, “Kidnapped By A Warrior”, “Fallon’s Capture”, and then “Marrianne’s Abduction”. Definitely pick them up.
Thank you so much! <3