Genres: Contemporary, Erotica
Published by Intermix Publication Date: 21 April 2015
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Known for her “emotional, sexy and smart”* stories, now, HelenKay Dimon presents a bold new novella that takes readers to the edge…Wade Royer and Elijah Sterling are on shaky ground. While initially reluctant Eli is finally ready to take things to the next level, Wade is hesitant. He senses trouble coming and he’s right. Still, they know their fiercely undeniable connection—both in and out of the bedroom—is worth saving.Then a man from Eli’s past reappears and the CIA comes calling—and they both want Eli back. With their relationship in jeopardy of falling apart and Eli in danger of a different kind, both men will have to decide what they really want—and then take it…Includes an exclusive preview of HelenKay Dimon’s latest novel,Mine.
Elizabeth B’s Thoughts
Taken is a novella in the Holton Woods series, but it works well on its own telling the story of Wade, Eli and their romance. Don’t let the length of Taken discourage you; it packs a punch for such a little book!
Both Eli and Wade are well developed characters and we get glimpses into what makes them tick as they try to figure out if they can be together. They struggle with finding a balance between their need to be together and bridging the emotional distance to create a lasting bond. In the process, they have very hot sexy times and each work so hard to be what the other wants that you really root for them.
I did struggle a little bit with connecting to Wade’s character. On one hand, he seems very much an “Alpha” type, but some of his responses to conflict with Eli seem very immature. The supporting cast of characters helps our heroes figure things out and sparks curiosity about the other books in the series.