Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: When Fates Align – Isabelle Richards

Posted May 6, 2015 by Shannon in Blog Tour, Giveaways, InkSlingers PR / 0 Comments

We’re having a release day launch for When Fates Align, the stunning conclusion to Isabelle Richards’ When Fates Collide Trilogy. To celebrate her release, she has the entire trilogy on sale, and she’s sharing a great excerpt with us!! Check it out!! Release Day Blitz_edited-1


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Indie Impressions



Exclusive Excerpt


There’s a romantic notion that if the person you love dies, you’ll somehow feel it. You’ll feel the connection sever as the other half of your soul is ripped from you. But I didn’t feel anything when Lily died. Nothing. I should have felt something, shouldn’t I? Like the tether she holds around my heart snapping or a surge of electrical current when the connection between us was lost? Something. But there was no warning. As I drove to my flat, there was no sign of the devastation waiting for me. Nothing to prepare me for the reality that my heart was about to be irrevocably shattered. Even if I had felt something, it couldn’t have prepared me for this.

It all seems unreal. Lily can’t be dead. Despite the numerous times I lectured her about the danger she was in, I never truly believed I’d lose her. I thought as long as she was with me, she’d be safe. What a fool I was.

Time’s come to a standstill. I’m frozen whilst people move all around me. A constant squawk of radios echoes in the hall. Police officers and firemen hustle in and out of my flat, moving with such purpose. Tasks to complete. Because this is just a job to them. Just another murder scene. One of many. They take notes, collect samples, snap pictures. When it’s over, they’ll go home, or to the pub, and the horrors they saw here will eventually fade away.

Not for me. My anguish from this day will never fade. It will fester inside me, trapping me in eternal misery. Since I’m perishing in hell, I’m going to make sure the bastards who did this to her perish right along with me. I’m certain vengeance crosses the minds of most people who have lost someone to such senseless acts of violence, but I know this isn’t just a passing stage of grief that will wane with time. Cartels like Morelia survive because they know how to work the system. Blackmail, extortion, and bribery make them untouchable by authorities. The only way I’ll get justice for Lily is if I annihilate them myself, and unlike most people, I have the resources and connections to make it happen.



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About When Fates Align:
When Fates Align-FINAL-high (1)
Why would fate bring them together only to tear them apart?

Lily and Gavin were brought together in a clash of tragedy and chaos. Amid the ashes of lives gone wrong, they thought they found a second chance at love. With trouble from their previous lives lurking around every corner, they quickly learned that love from a star-crossed romance isn’t enough to survive.

Lily has slipped through Gavin’s fingers, and he feels as though he’s been sentenced to an eternity in hell. But if he’s going to perish in the ninth circle, everyone responsible for coming between him and Lily will go down with him.

Perhaps their love was never meant to be. But, if he’s learned anything from his time with Lily, it’s that sometimes everything has to crash and burn before life can begin again.

When Fates Align:

Kindle | Kindle UK | Kindle Australia

When Fate Isn’t Enough:

Kindle | Kindle UK | Kindle AustraliaWhen Fate Isnt Enough-high (1)

When Fates Collide:

Kindle | Kindle UK | Kindle AustraliaWhen Fates Collide-FINAL-high (1)


Isabelle Richards Bio:

photo 5 (1) (1)Isabelle Richards spent years as a speech writer before tackling fiction. An avid reader of all genres, Isabelle is drawn to romance novels as they provide an escape from daily life. Through her complex cast of characters, Isabelle creates a sanctuary for readers to dive into for a break from reality.

When she is not writing, Isabelle works as an advocate for persons with disabilities in Washington, DC. Her two yellow labs are her writing partners, although they frequently sleep on the job.


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I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.