Series: Draconia Tales
Genres: Paranormal, Paranormal Romance
Published by The Wild Rose Press Inc Publication Date: June 12, 2015
Pages: 237
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As a Halfling with little magic, Jamie is barely considered a Draconi, his sole talent finding jewels and lost people. But when he dreams of a human female in trouble, he has no choice but to save her, even if it means crossing dimensions into a different realm. Unfairly accused and placed on administrative leave, Detective Ruby Parker is determined to regain her position on the Denver police force. When an attempt to kidnap her fails, she must learn to trust the stranger who appears from nowhere to help her. Unlike in Draconia, Jamie's powers work in Parker's world, his longing to wield magic finally fulfilled. But is working magic worth leaving his family and friends? When Parker realizes she loves Jamie, she must make a choice, follow her heart to a different world, or remain alone and attempt to regain her beloved job. What happens when the one you love lives in another dimension?
I enjoyed reading this book immensely. I’ve never read a fantasy novel on dragons and I must say I glad Karilyn’s books were my first taste. She meshed the fantasy would with modern day detective work so well. The characters were awesome. The hero wasn’t a perfect Adonis and the heroine wasn’t a goddess. They couldn’t be anymore screwed up than the normal human being and I loved that. They were flawed, had broken links that the other completed.
There were so many questions left unasnwered by the end of the book but I was glad to find out that it was apart of a series. I hope the next book is about Erik because there are so many question marks floating around his head.