Published by Excessica Publishing Publication Date: May 6, 2015
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After months of furtive assignations that leave Ash cold and unsatisfied, his lover leaves him for a life of riches and respectability. Angry and heartbroken, Ash has noone to confide in until neighboring farmers Seth and Dougal discover his secret love. In their passionate embraces, Ash learns that love which uses and manipulates is not true love as, between them, the couple take him over the edge of ecstasy.
“Barn Dance” is a short, sweet, to the point, and OH so sexy story about a young man called Ash who is stuck at a wedding, watching his best friend and lover, Robbie, get married…to a woman. To say he’s unhappy would be the understatement of the year. To top it all off, Robbie tells him that he still wants to have sex with him, even if he’s married and about to be a father.
Ash leaves in anger, and on his way home, he stops at the homestead of Seth and Dougal, farmers and lovers themselves. After Ash pours his heart out to the two men, they decide to show Ash how wonderful a relationship can be…and how to properly give and recieve pleasure. I love Ash, Seth, and Dougal. They’re great characters who are nicely developed given how short the story is. The year is 1852, so gay love is not exactly acceptable, but the farm is away from town, and nobody really knows what goes on there, and what goes on there is some of the hottest, panty meltingest smexytimes I’ve read in a very long time. It’s hard and raw, but it’s also gentle and tender. These men genuinely care for one another, and it shows.
“Barn Dance” is really a coming of age story. The three men share an awesome summer, but Ash must move on. He is going to go to school to become a doctor, and Seth and Dougal have a farm to run. Visits are planned, and you know that their friendship is going to live on, whether they’re having sex or not. I enjoyed it so, so much. Jules Radcliffe has gained a new fan, and I’m going to go and get as many JR books as I can find.