Series: Deadly Angels,
Published by Avon Publication Date: August 25th 2015
Pages: 384
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New York Times bestselling author Sandra Hill delivers a sizzling new entry in her Deadly Angels series, as a Viking vangel's otherworldly mission teams him with a Navy SEAL who's more than his match— she's his predestined mate . . .
The fact that vampire angel Harek Sigurdsson was a Norseman in his mortal life doesn't make thawing out after exile in Siberia any easier. But things heat up when his search for evil Lucipires connects him with Camille Dumaine, a human who thrums with sensual energy that can mean only one thing: she's the mate Harek's been seeking for centuries . . .
The SEALs call her "Camo" for her ability to blend into a crowd—yet Harek's intense blue gaze singles Camille out like a white-hot spotlight. The security wiz was hired to help bring down a ruthless band of international kidnappers, but Camille senses an unspoken agenda—besides Harek's bold declaration that she's his "destiny." Just Camille's luck that the sexiest man she's ever met may also be . . . a vampire!
In EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES, the sixth book in the Deadly Angels series, Vangel Harek finds his life mate in tough as hell WEAL, Camille. The barbs between the ancient Viking and his lady love were interesting and kept this first time Deadly Angels reader turning the page.
This is the sixth book in this series about seven ancient Viking brothers who work for the Archangel Michael in helping rid the world of demon vampires and saving souls still worth saving. Despite coming into this series almost at the last brother, it was easy to follow the story and the author gave just enough backstory for me to understand what was going on.
I liked Harek. I liked how he struggled against his sin, greed, making him more human and down to earth than sometimes his blustery Viking way would lead you to believe. After a thousand years, he knew why he was being punished and he was trying to do what he was supposed to…even if that meant he strayed once in a while. And that was never more apparent than when he met Camille. She tested him. She pushed him. She didn’t let him get away with things. Which is something Harek would need in a life mate. Even if he didn’t want to admit it.
Camille was a tough woman, but I think this was more because of past hurts than anything else. We may not have been able to see her heart on her sleeve, but we knew it was there. She was also someone who could hold a grudge…even if that grudge wasn’t truly hers. That was very clear when she pushed Harek away after discovering his sin. She eventually worked out her feelings towards Harek and forgave him for his sin, but that made her a little less likable to me because she was so quick to judge.
For fans of paranormal romances with a little laughter sprinkled throughout, this will be a book that you want to pick up. This couple may not have burned the pages up, but they had laughter and wit, which made me want to see their HEA.