Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Fire Me Up by Rachel Johns

Posted August 25, 2015 by Cocktails and Books in Blog Tour, Giveaways, Reviews / 1 Comment

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway:  Fire Me Up by Rachel JohnsFire Me Up by Rachael Johns
Series: Deacons of Bourbon Street #2
Published by Loveswept Publication Date: September 1st 2015
Pages: 176
Also in this series: Make You Burn, Strip You Bare
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Can a scorching affair with a bohemian beauty tame a motorcycle man with a dark side? Rachael Johns takes the wheel in the sexy series co-written with Megan Crane, Jackie Ashenden, and Maisey Yates.Travis “Cash” Sinclair values only two things from his days with the Deacons of Bourbon Street: his prized Harley Davidson and the man who gave it to him. But now Priest Lombard is gone, and Cash has inherited the Deacons’ clubhouse—not to mentions its unexpected tenant. She’s exactly the type of woman he tries to avoid: all incense and art, with a sharp tongue that promises trouble. So why does Cash want to push aside those flowing skirts and lose himself between her legs?Billie Taylor fled a bad marriage to start a new life among the grit and glamour of the French Quarter. She refuses to let another man distract her from her dreams, especially an outlaw biker with nothing to offer except hot sex and an eviction notice. Cash is dangerous, with an untamed streak he tries desperately to conceal. He drives Billie wild, sending her too close to the edge for her own good. And she won’t fall under his spell—or into his bed—without a fight.

I really enjoyed the second book in the Deacon of Bourbon set.  I have to admit that I wasn’t overly excited to read this one – I liked the first book but didn’t love it.  After noticing that each of the 4 books in this series is written by different authors I decided to take a chance and fell in love with Travis and Billie’s story.

Travis a former member of the Deacons Motorcycle Club summoned back to New Orleans after their former leader died in a mysterious motorcycle crash after being gone for 10 years.  During Travis’s time away he has built his own security business from the ground up, earned a MBA and in general just turned his life around.  Going back to New Orleans to face his past was something he didn’t want to do for many reasons.

Billie has her own bohemian style – she is renting space that use to be the Deacons former clubhouse and turned it into an art gallery featuring local artists.  Originally from Australia Billie was looking to get away from a controlling ex husband and family and start a new life in American – more specifically New Orleans.

I found the writing much tighter this time around with character development that made sense.  Travis’s explanation to both Billie and the reader as to why the MC does things a certain way made sense to me.   Travis is angry for multiple different reasons but as he learns more about what is going on around him he finds him self letting go of the anger to try and find out what really happened both with the Deacons but also personally.  The way he cares for Billie helps to change his outlook and how he put her first was believable.  Of course there are misunderstandings between the two and great make up sex as to be expected I just found myself relating to these characters and I loved that.   If I have a complaint it that things moved almost to quickly; the entire story takes place in about a month or a little longer, but its not to far out of reach that makes the love story unbelievable.

After reading the second book I find myself looking forward to book 3 and the new author.  Cant wait to seeing what happens next.


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo



Fucking Ajax wanted to keep the joint, revive the damn club, embrace the old brotherhood, and Leon was all for it. They’d spent all night after the funeral downing bourbon, reliving “fond” memories and making plans, and had gotten progressively more obsessed. Only Travis and Micah could see that the best thing for all of them would be to sell off the buildings Priest had left them and get the fuck back out of town. Tallahassee might seem boring in comparison to New Orleans, but it was safe. This place still set him on edge; it made him feel things he didn’t want to feel. Travis knew the longer he stayed, the more likely he was to lose his shit with someone and end up in jail. Again.


Realizing she was still staring at him, he straightened and then gestured beyond them to the door that led inside. Despite her coolness, her paltry attempts at hostility did nothing to calm the fire rising within him. “Then you can show me to my room,” he told her, indecent suggestion dripping from his tone.


“Excuse me?”


Her outraged expression only wound the coil of heat inside him tighter. He turned and headed over to where he’d dumped his bag on the floor. Billie wasn’t wearing any shoes so he didn’t hear her stalking after him, but he felt her. She was following him and if he played his cards right, he could turn what had been a shitty day into one that would blow both their minds. Leaning over, he hitched his pack over his shoulder and then turned, expecting to come face-to-face with her alluring anger, but almost tripping over a little gray dog instead.


“What the fuck is that?” And where the hell had it come from? He steadied himself against the wall, his fingers closing around the edge of some grotesque fairy painting, and peered down at the thing that had almost resulted in giving him a broken leg. It looked up at him, teeth bared, a low growl emanating from somewhere beneath rolls and rolls of wrinkles. Travis had never been big on small dogs, but he had to give it to this one—it had balls.


Billie smiled that saccharine smile again. “This is Baxter, and I think what he’s trying to say is you don’t have a room here.”


“Well, Baxter.” Travis glared down at the pathetic excuse for a dog. “That’s where you’re wrong. In case you misunderstood before, Billie,” he said, looking back to her, “I’m the new owner of this building. And, as it happens, I need a place to stay for a few weeks. Maybe longer.”


“That may be,” Billie said, standing her ground, although he noted a quiver in her voice, “but I already live here, so you’ll have to find somewhere else.”


“I don’t think so.” He shook his head and made to move past Billie and Baxter.


She sidestepped so that she was in his way and Baxter bared his teeth even more, his growl growing deeper. “If you are my new landlord,” Billie said, her tone filled with disgust, “then you’d know I have rights as the tenant. You need to give me notice for an inspection and you definitely can’t just move in.”


“Sweetheart.” He leaned forward so he was invading her personal space. She smelled sweet, of some kind of strawberry shampoo or something that made his muscles tighten, but he ignored it. “No one tells me what the fuck to do. And if you can afford a lawyer, then you’re not paying us enough rent.”


“I . . . I . . .” Billie blinked, and her tits heaved up and down as she searched for more words.


He made no apology for looking, waited a beat, and when it seemed she didn’t have anything to add he tossed her one final question. “Can you afford a lawyer?”


Her shoulders slumped and she shook her head.


He smirked his victory. “In that case, you, me and Baxter are roommates.



Rachael Johns is an English teacher by trade, a mum 24/7, a supermarket owner, a chronic arachnophobic, and a writer the rest of the time. She rarely sleeps and never irons. She writes contemporary romance for HQN and Carina Press and lives in rural Western Australia with her hyperactive husband and three mostly-gorgeous heroes-in-training. Rachael loves to hear from readers and can be contacted through her website at


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