Series: The Survivors' Club, #6
Published by Signet Publication Date: September 1st 2015
Pages: 400
Also in this series: Only a Promise, Only Beloved
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The Survivors’ Club: Six men and one woman, injured in the Napoleonic Wars, their friendships forged in steel and loyalty. But for one, her trials are not over....Since witnessing the death of her husband during the wars, Imogen, Lady Barclay, has secluded herself in the confines of Hardford Hall, their home in Cornwall. The new owner has failed to take up his inheritance, and Imogen desperately hopes he will never come to disturb her fragile peace.Percival Hayes, Earl of Hardford, has no interest in the wilds of Cornwall, but when he impulsively decides to pay a visit to his estate there, he is shocked to discover that it is not the ruined heap he had expected. He is equally shocked to find the beautiful widow of his predecessor’s son living there.Soon Imogen awakens in Percy a passion he has never thought himself capable of feeling. But can he save her from her misery and reawaken her soul? And what will it mean for him if he succeeds?
I’m going to be honest and admit that I wasn’t sure about this book in the beginning. For starters, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Imogen, our heroine. While, I haven’t read all of the other Survivor’s Club books, I’ve seen her appear in the books that I have read and she didn’t strike me as a likeable character. Our hero, Percy, didn’t make that wonderful of a first impression either.
This is definitely a case, where the story proved me wrong. As we moved through the story, we had the opportunity to get to know Imogen and what exactly happened to her while she was on the battlefield with her husband. Even though we didn’t know all of the details until the very end, it didn’t take long to understand why she chose the demeanor she used. Percy’s transformation to a likeable character is more subtle, but I did love the fact that he couldn’t resist putting his foot in his mouth around Imogen.
There is an element of suspense to the story that honestly is what made the book work for me. It added an element of spice that was needed and provided the vehicle for Percy to really come into his own. Imogen’s reaction to Percy brought her back to life. One of her fellow Survivors made the point of telling her that she had the right to let herself be unhappy, but not to make others unhappy as well and that hit home for me.
Overall, this is a good addition to the Survivor’s Club series. If you’ve read the prior books, you get a small glimpse of where the other club members are now. If you are new to the series, you can easily read this installment without feeling lost.