Published by S. L. Scott Publication Date: October 23rd 2015
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Their love burned bright, white hot, and strikingly blue around the edges.
Some thought them careless.
Some thought them crazy.
No one approved.
Taylor Barrett was looking for answers in a universe that had abandoned him.
Jude Boehler flooded her dark world with charisma and mystery, drawing everyone into her hurricane.
It was a most captivating of love affairs. They were shooting stars, meteors in the sky, colliding to create a spectacularly wonderful reckless romance, leaving them breathless and tethered.
Their souls were exposed to the chaos, bare and vulnerable. Can these two star-crossed lovers survive the madness that is life?
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Let me tell you, UNTIL I MET YOU was a book that completely threw me for a loop.
Jude and Taylor were two people who had been failed by their family and the circle of friends/society they belonged to. The people who were supposed to embrace them and protect them let them each down in spectacular fashion. It wasn’t until they found each other at a dinner party that they both began to understand what they needed and exactly what had been missing from their lives.
Taylor’s story is sad, but it’s Jude that truly pulls at you. She is wronged by just about everyone in her life for unfathomable reasons. And it’s not until Taylor that she’s shown that maybe she could have more. That someone believes in her. It was truly sad while at the same time touching that a man who didn’t think anyone cared about him was the one who showed Jude what it was like to truly be loved.
UNTIL I MET YOU was a different book. The voice was different, the perspective a little different, but SL Scott created a truly charming and heartwarming story of true love prevailing, under the worst kind of circumstances.
“Do you want ice cream?”
She hit him with one surprise after another, and he replied, “It’s freezing out here. How about a coffee?”
“I don’t like coffee.”
“Wow, a New Yorker who doesn’t like coffee.” Taking her by the arm, he stopped her. “Are you going to tell me anything about yourself?”
“I just told you I don’t like coffee. That’s something.”
He sighed. “I’m serious, Jude.”
His emotional sigh was wearing on her and she gave him the most honest answer she could. “Not if I can get away with it.”
He looked into her blue eyes. Under a bright fluorescent light of a convenience store, he could see they were tinged in green with champagne centers. They were the most unique eyes he had ever seen. She was the most unique woman he had ever met. Now he felt bad for making her unhappy, so he broke his gaze away. “Fine. I’ll limit my questions.” And just to see her smile again, he said, “Ice cream it is.”
She jumped for joy. “I know a great place a few blocks from here.”
“Should we catch a cab?”
“No, I love the snow. It’s magical.”
Looking down the street and then back to her, he started wondering when he’d stopped seeing magic in the world. He could probably guess, but he didn’t want to think about that time.
A half hour later, his hands were frozen but he still found himself eating pistachio ice cream with Jude for dinner. He bought the treats and joined her at a booth where she was contentedly licking her rocky road. As soon as he sat down, she asked, “I think you can tell everything you need to know about a person by their favorite ice cream flavor.”
S.L. Scott is a former high-tech account manager with a journalism degree pursuing her passion for telling stories. She spends her days escaping into her characters and letting them lead her on their adventures.
Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are her obsessions she calls hobbies.
Scott lives in the beautiful Texas hill country of Austin with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys.
Her novels include Naturally, Charlie, Good Vibrations, and A Prior Engagement.
She welcomes your notes at sl@slscottauthor.com.