Series: The Tainted Love Duet, #2
Publication Date: January 1st 1970
Also in this series: Blow
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Logan McPherson and Elle Sterling continue to thrill in this powerful conclusion to their tantalizing, provocative, and unexpected sizzling romance that began in Blow.
The danger isn’t over.
It’s only just begun.Circumstances brought them together and their undeniable connection won’t let them part. But when the past and the present collide, emotions run high—things are said, lines are crossed, and rules are broken. Both focused on crushing the enemy, the retribution is almost too much to bear. Still, there’s no undoing what has already been done, and every action has a consequence.
He loves her and she loves him, but love isn’t a shield.
Sometimes your only choice is the one you’d rather not make. Pushed to the limit, the tainted love of Logan and Elle is in jeopardy. With outside forces driving a wedge between them, they have to dig deep within their souls to release the ghosts of their pasts, and fight even harder for what neither knew they needed—each other.
Can love really conquer all?
Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Blog Tour, TRSoR Promotions in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
CRUSH had me all over the place, trying to figure out just who was involved with the drug ring and if that was the same person out for Logan and Elle. I wasn’t sure who had done what until the very end, but it was an exciting journey that ended with Logan and Elle grasping for that happily ever after and holding onto it.
Logan and Elle definitely had to believe in one another and their relationship to withstand what they had to go through. But they discovered they were much stronger together and took a stand against their enemy. It wasn’t easy. Both Logan and Elle lost quite a bit as they fought for their freedom, but they also gained new friends and the kind of family they both craved.
I’ve yet to meet a Kim Karr book that I haven’t been enamored with. CRUSH is another stellar addition to her backlist and one I highly recommend.
The story continues, Will Love Conquer All?
CRUSH (book 2) is NOW LIVE!
Get your copy at:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1higwb7
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1jGwHRj
Elle Sterling
The coolness of the night air had begun to set in. With the suddenly harsher wind, Lindsay and I both felt the chill and even in our heels, we hastened our pace.
As soon as we walked into the hotel suite, I was assaulted by the tang of a sticky, sweet scent. It was the smell of pot. Never one to try it myself, in my travels I’d come across many people who had. Moldy grass was how I’d always described the smell.
Lindsay shot me a glance and confirmed my suspicion.
Hard rock blared through the open space. The patio doors were open and I saw the back of two heads flopped on the lounge chairs. Even over the music, I heard laughter rumbling into the room. I was glad that at least Logan was upbeat.
Lindsay started for them and looked at me. “Shhh.”
I followed, keeping my mouth shut.
We both approached, eager to see our men, but stopped at the edge of door to watch them. They were playing cards and a baggie of pot was on the floor.
James had changed and was now wearing sleep pants and a T-shirt. He had a cigar gripped between his teeth while he tossed two piles of cards onto the table between them.
Logan was still in his suit pants but had removed everything else. Everything. Outside in his pants only, I wondered how he wasn’t freezing until I looked up and saw the heat lamps were on.
“Baby, you’re going to stink,” Lindsay said loudly, breaking the silence.
Both men jerked their heads back.
The smile that spread across Logan’s face was slow and seductive.
The sight of him dried my throat and made my heart pound. Right then I didn’t care about anything but comforting him through kisses.
Lindsay was still talking, saying something about the rancid smell of the cigar.
Me, I was already leaning over Logan and placing my lips very close to his. “Are you okay?”
“I am now.”
“You sure?”
He nodded and said, “Don’t listen to James. He likes to be a drama queen.”
“I heard that.”
Ignoring James, Logan gave me a single tug and pulled me onto his lap. I found myself provocatively straddling him. His cards fell to the floor, but I heard no one complain. And then his hands anchored my hips as his mouth attacked mine, while my hands gripped his shoulders for support.
“Where are your clothes?” I managed to ask.
The corners of his lips tilted up. “We had a small wrestling match and my shirt took the brunt of the action.”
I laughed.
Boys will be boys.
My dress had ridden up and if anyone was looking, they could see my panties. I just didn’t care enough right then to see what James and Lindsay were doing.
I should have cared. I should have cared just how inebriated or high Logan was. I should have, but his primal response to my presence did something to me that made me want to be what he needed. Made me want to be wild and free for once in my entire life.
Maybe it was the Lindsay effect.
His kiss traveled from the corner of my mouth, along my jaw, to my throat.
My hands moved higher to toy with his hair behind his neck.
His teeth were sharp as they skidded across my skin, but the soft heat from his tongue soothed the burn.
I turned my head to give him full access, and that was when I saw Lindsay’s head moving towards James’s lap.
Again, I should have cared, but I just didn’t.
I wasn’t sure if Logan noticed, but he turned my chin to look at him. “We should go home,” he slurred. The way his eyes flickered over me so intensely made the idea of waiting for a cab and then riding home in one seem like it would take a lifetime.
With my hands flat on his bare chest, I found myself scooting up his body, stopping only when the soft fabric of my wet panties aligned perfectly with the tented fabric of his slacks. “I want you now,” I whispered.
Logan’s tongue flicked out to wet his lips. “I’m drunk, probably not the best idea.”
I raised myself ever so slightly and lowered my body, making the most exquisite contact with his erection. “I’m not and you seem just fine.”
His hand stroked my hair and pulled out the clip holding it up. “You want this? Here?”
My breath was wild. My nipples taut. My clit was pulsing. I realized I was excited. “Yes, I want you to take me here.”
His gaze slid to the side and so did mine. James was thrusting into Lindsay’s mouth. “James!” Logan shouted.
A grunt was his only reply.
“Hurry up and get the fuck inside, will you.”
Again, a grunt was his response.
Logan’s attention back on me, his hands threaded through my hair and slid over my shoulders and down my arms to capture my hands. He pressed our palms together so that our fingers were linked and drew in a shuddering breath. “You’re so beautiful. You know that?”
“I love you.” I’m not sure why I felt compelled to tell him that, but the way he looked at me when I did made me feel like we’d both found true love in each other, and all the worries that messed with my thoughts evaporated as his gaze flared. All that mattered was him. Comforting him. Getting him through this. Being here—for him.
He brought me to him with a hand to the back of my head, holding me in place while he kissed me breathless, maybe hard enough that he might have bruised my mouth.
Again, I didn’t care.
The kiss went on and on and when he finally pulled away, I hadn’t had nearly enough of him. It was when my eyes fell to the bag of joints on the ground that I realized Logan did not taste of thyme or moldy grass or smell like skunk, and I was a little glad that he hadn’t gotten high. I had a feeling he had struggled with drugs during his life and with my own father being an alcoholic, I was all too familiar with the claim that addictive habits were hereditary.
Another sideways glance on his part had my gaze following. “Finally,” he muttered. The lounge beside us was now empty, as was the living area. James and Lindsay must have gone into the bedroom. Logan must have been waiting for them to leave.
Knowing we were alone, lust won out over good sense and I stood and stripped myself naked.
Logan drew in a shuddering breath and stood as well, shedding his pants and underwear quickly.
I stared at him, naked and beautiful, and licked my lips. That card I’d seen in the store came to mind. Just because my issues might never allow me to be submissive didn’t mean I couldn’t be the dominant type.
He held out his hand for me to take it and instead I pointed to a chair next to the lounger. “Sit down.”
“Don’t you want to go inside?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No, sit down.”
He raised a brow.
I kept my finger pointed.
No one could see us up this high and with the heat lamps on, something about fucking outside felt incredibly erotic.
A slow, seductive smile spread across his lips, and as he sat his eyes looked like dark flames. The hazel was gone, replaced by dilated pupils that bled pure lust.
Since I was already drenched, he easily slid inside me as I sat on his cock.
The sensation of him filling me made me shout out, and Logan wasn’t exactly quiet himself. I heard pleasurable groans escape his throat.
This was what we both needed.
Each other.
I just hoped it would be like this forever.
My hands were not bound but they gripped the chair, my back was to his chest, and my legs were spread wide. I was open to him. Fully and completely open to him. In this position, I was his to do with whatever he pleased.
It was then I realized that in our relationship we didn’t need a dominant or a submissive. We only needed each other.
And as his palm found my breast and his fingers pressed against my clit, I closed my eyes and relished what I had with him.
For us…give and take was all we needed.
Haven’t read this series yet?
An Undeniable Love
A Tainted Attraction
An Unforgettable Story
Find out what everyone is talking about in Blow (Book One)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1WbHCAe
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1iGMi3a
View the Blow Book Trailer here: https://vimeo.com/139275727