Celebrating Indie Authors: Krystal Shannon

Posted November 13, 2015 by Cocktails and Books in Blog Event / 4 Comments

CIA - Krystal Shannon

Author Krystal Shannon is with us today telling us what she thinks the best characteristics of a hero are.  It’s a great list.  And if you’ve read any of her more than 15 books, I’m sure you’ll recognize any combination of these traits in her heroes.  Help me welcome Krystal to Cocktails and Books.

Best Characteristics of a Hero

1) Honesty – Because you need to believe and trust him

2) Courage – Because he as to be the one leading and not afraid

3) Kindness – Because you want to believe he has a good heart

4) Strength – Because you need to believe that a hero will overcome and win

5) Commitment – Because you need to believe that the heroine is the only one for him


Krystal Shannan goes to sleep every night dreaming of mythical realms with werewolves, vampires, fae, and dragons. Occasional a fabulous, completely human story slips into the mix, but powers and abilities usually crop up without fail, twisting reality into whatever her mind can conceive.

As a child, her parents encouraged her interests in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology and all things historical and magickal. As an adult the interests only grew. She is a child of Neverland and refuses to ever stop believing in fairies.

She is guilty of indulging and being a Buffy the Vampire Slayer groupie as well as an Angel fan. For those of you unfamiliar with the world of Joss Whedon, you are missing out! She also makes sure to watch as many action and adventure movies as possible. The more exciting the better. Yippee-Ki-Yay….. If you don’t know the end of that phrase, then you probably don’t like the same movies.

She writes stories full of action, snark, magick, and heart-felt emotion. If you are looking for leisurely paced sweet romance, her books are probably not for you. But, for those looking for a magical ride, filled with adventure, passion, and just a hint of humor. Welcome home.

Krystal Shannan

Putting Magick in Romance one Soul Mate at a Time.



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4 responses to “Celebrating Indie Authors: Krystal Shannon

  1. Nihcki

    The best part about SC Stephens is her sweet personality! Hope to win her latest, as I enjoy supporting authors who are still people, relatable, despite gaining fame and, undoubtedly, money. For me, my heroes must be honest and dependable. So should be the heroine.

    • Ann I

      Forgot to say….to me heroes know how to get the job done while still maintaining their humanity. That doesn’t mean they won’t still have rough edges or be “badass” sometimes…it just means at the end of the day, the things they do are for the best. And they love their family to the best of their ability.