Published by Lush Publishing Publication Date: October 1, 2015
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Hey! Name’s Adam Darling and hustling’s my game. When I was eighteen, my parents kicked me to the curb after catching me enjoying a good romp in the sack with my boyfriend. So I took the bus to Queens, NY and used my boyish looks to turn tricks to make my rent and fund my weakness for club clothing.
On the night of my twentieth birthday, everything came crashing down and, like a wuss, I collapsed and had myself a good cry. Deep in my “woe is me” fest, I knew I had to make some decisions I’d much rather not have to face.
Confused, I’m not sure what to do. Should I leave the head game my life has become? Will my changing looks allow me to continue status quo? One very sexy cowboy has an offer that sounds like the answer I’ve been looking for, but can I find it within myself to take the leap of faith and accept it or should I walk away?
Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Manic Readers in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
“Head Game” is the story of Adam. He’s a gay hustler, selling himself for the cash to get by and support his addiction to awesome club clothes. When he’s not doing (pretty gross) things with paying customers, he’s spending time at the gay club across the way from where he lives. There, he can drink, and dance, and meet other (not gross) men to take to his bed. That’s where he meets a handsome cowboy named Colt, who rocks his world. They hit it off right away. It’s very sexy and even funny. Their dialogue might appear to be kind of cheesy, it’s really perfect for the two of them…two words…disco stick. Hehe. I really enjoyed their interactions.
Know what else I enjoyed? The sex. Oh. My. God. It’s so hot. They just tear into each other, and it was delightful. I love sex scenes that don’t take themselves too seriously. I like them to have fun and humor and just enough filthy to make them intersting. Adam and Colt have all of that in spades.
Of course, there’s more to their fledgling relationship than sex. They do spend some time getting to know each other, and it’s obvious it’s not going to be just a one night stand. When Adam’s 20th birthday rolls around he’s really suffering. Colt’s been gone for awhile. The heat is out in his apartment, and his johns aren’t paying as well because his heart just isn’t in it. He sinks very far, and it was sad to watch. I wax rooting for him, and I wanted Colt to come and rescue him. And what do you know? He does
All in all, this was a good story. It was very short, but it was an entertaining way to spend an evening. I like Harper Jewel’s style of writing, and I won’t hesitate to read any of her work. If you’re looking for a quick and sexy story with just enough angst to move it along, give this one a go.