Published by Loose-Id Publication Date: December 2nd 2014
Pages: 212
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ER physician's assistant Hunter guards his heart carefully, but that doesn't stop him from falling for Shawn, the front desk clerk. He keeps his distance from relationships for a reason, but just can't help himself when it comes to Shawn.
Shawn is on the run from the law and love to protect himself and anyone else involved. One man is dead because of him, and his life now is simple and easily thrown into a bag at any hint of danger— until he meets Hunter and he no longer wants to run.
Forced into a hostage situation, buried passion explodes in the aftermath, and sex in the supply closet brings their hearts back to life. Tentatively, step by step, they begin to explore a relationship together until the past catches up with Shawn.
Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Manic Readers in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
Oh, I had such high hopes for this one. I liked the idea of a bit of action and danger with my sexy romance. Well, I got that, but it wound up being a bit too much for my taste, and there was SO much going on that I would get confused and frustrated periodically.
I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I want to give you a short description. Hunter is a physician’s assistant in an emergency room. Shawn works the admissions desk. Hunter has a crush on Shawn, but at first, Shawn doesn’t seem interested. A terrible thing happens and brings them together. However, thanks to the press about that situation, it becomes clear that Shawn’s not who Hunter (and everyone else) thinks he is. The FBI comes calling, and things take off from there.
First things first, let me tell you about what I liked about “Hitting Black Ice”. I loved Hunter and his feelings for Shawn. I thought he was sweet, and shy, and completely adorable. When they come together, the sex is hot…really hot. The mystery is a good one, and I admit that I didn’t figure it out right away like I usually do, so I wanted to press on, even when I started to get confused. Hunter’s family was very supportive, and that’s great.
So many times, in gay romance, the MC’s family are portrayed as hateful or prejudiced. It was nice to read about one where they loved their son and wanted what was best for him.
Now, there are a few things that I didn’t like, and I feel bad for having to admit that. Shawn is/was in hiding. He changed his name and moved away from his home. He’s now working in a hospital. How did he get a good enough false identity to get a job? Any job, especially a hospital? That’s never mentioned. Once we’ve learned his real name, both of them are used, so sometimes he was Shawn, other times he was Alex. There was a lot going on, so I found that to be a problem occasionally. Every now and then, I started to feel that there wasn’t much connection between Hunter and
Shawn/Alex. Sure, Hunter really liked Shawn while working in the ER, but he didn’t know much about him at all, and then when things started to move along, he STILL doesn’t know that much. In order to “protect” Hunter, Shawn/Alex keeps things close to the vest, but Hunter is willing to put himself and family in terrible danger for him. That’s some serious faith right there. Finally, I felt that the book wrapped up and ended a little too quickly and neatly. It’s also a HFN, so you know that there will be more. HFN’s frustrate me to no end because I have to wait. I HATE waiting. I’m into instant gratification. It may not be my best quality, but it is what it is.
All in all, I would call this an average read. It wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t completely stellar. It had so much potential, and perhaps the sequel (whenever it comes out) will be better and tie everything up in a big bow.