Publication Date: March 8, 2016
Pages: 148
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Trent is a jerk, always has been, but if he has any hope at all of getting Jenny back and being a father to his child he needs to become Mr. Nice Guy.
Trent has been looking forward hooking up with his favorite groupie again this tour, but when he finds Jenny in Cleveland, she tells him to get lost. Then, he discovers she has a kid who looks suspiciously like him. Except everybody, the other guys in his band, his managers, all her friends, seem to be conspiring to protect her from him. If he ever hopes to get Jenny back and get to be a father to his daughter, he’s going to have to make all of them believe he’s become the nicest guy on the planet.
Jenny wanted to marry a rock star, but having Lulu changed everything. No matter how much she wants Trent back, she can’t let her daughter grow up thinking women let men treat them the way Trent treats her. She’ll sacrifice her own happiness unless Trent can get it together.
BABY COME BACK is the final book in the Rock And Roll State Of Mind series.
Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Manic Readers in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
I found Baby Come Back to be an interesting story. At approximately 127 pages, it moved at a pretty fast pace throughout the entire story. Although I enjoyed it greatly, I did have a few issues with it. First and foremost, I want to interject that this was a completely new to me author and I have not read the previous books in the series.
Upon reading the blurb, I expected anther rockstar romance. Unfortunately I did not find it to be so. Granted, Trent is a rockstar, however, other than the mentioned sound check and lots of talk of groupies, we see no actual rock in this rockstar romance. Here’s what we do get though… we get a man, who happens to be a rockstar, finding out that the groupie who supposedly meant so much to him that he looked her up every time the band was in the area every year for 3 years, but not enough that he actually kept in contact with her for 4 years, had his baby and never told him. In a panic, she runs, he chases and in typical rockstar with a God complex fashion, sticks his foot in it… repeatedly.
Trent is for all intents and purposes an egotistical jerk who is full of himself and expects things to always be done his way. Jenny is a doormat who can’t stand up for herself, but does manage to find her spine when it comes to her daughter. If this were a bdsm book these characters would be great and in their element. However, as is, I ended up feeling like something was missing. There too much angst and not enough romance. We are expected to buy in to Trent’s rehabilitation as a good person, a good boyfriend and father material. But that part of the the story was on fast forward. I would have liked to see more of the characters personal growth, but that seemed to be rushed in an effort to finish the story.
I expected a rockstar romance, instead I got a second chance story about two characters that had a very D/s tendencies. Perhaps if I had read the previous books in the series I would have understood the characters better. This is a situation I plan to remedy real soon, because although I was left a bit meh about the romance factor in Baby Come Back, I was intrigued with the dynamic and the author’s writing. So I plan on reading the previous books in the series and may possibly reevaluate my feelings on this particular book after doing so.